«Chapter 21»

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«Chapter 21»

I rushed over to Daryl and made sure there were no Walkers around. The group followed with their blades high.

I flipped him onto his back so I could work better. I checked his pulse and hovered my hand over his nose. He was still breathing and his heart was still pumping. I examined his body for any bites, but didn't find any.

He began to stir and I took his knives before he could harm anyone. His eyes opened wide, but he didn't fight back. "Daryl," I said as I put my face into his view. "Thanks for trying to save me, but I'm dead already," he smiled weakly.

My head started to spin. " Are you okay? We're right here," I said with a worried look.

 "I know you're figment if my imagination so just go away. You're just like Merle. Talkin' bullcrap and shit," he whispered.

I turned to Rick and said,"He needs water." Rick rummaged through his bag and took out a small bottle. I put it to Daryl's lips and watched him shoot his hand up to grasp it when he realized what it was. He swallowed hard and his eyes were closed from the relief of hydration.

He pulled the empty bottle from his lips and sighed deeply. He sat up and looked at everyone around him. "God damn, that was a lot of them," he said as he rubbed his forehead. "What are you talking about?" I asked. He looked up at me then said,"I was trying to draw off the crowd so we could escape. I didn't wake you up because I wanted you to be safe in case something happened to me."

I shook my head,"You could've been bitten. Why do you have to be such a dumbass? Heroes don't exist anymore."

He laughed silently and stood up. "I think I dropped my bow and bag somewhere," he said looking around him. "Alright, we can go look for it," Rick proclaimed.

I helped Daryl to his feet. He took a few seconds to regain his balance. His hand reached for his head and his face had strain written across it. "I'll need some Advil when we get back to the warehouse," he proclaimed. I smiled lightly and started to follow Daryl's tracks from his trip earlier.

We walked even more in search of Daryl's supplies. He looked weak without them. He walked beside me as the others were a few steps ahead.

"I'm sorry," he said after a few minutes of silence.

 "Don't be. Oh, and here's your knife back," I smiled as I took it out of my pocket. He snatched it out of my hands and stared at it.

"I knew I put it back after I was done," he sighed. 

"Why were you passed out?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm must've hit my head on something, but it seems like it came at me," he said. I shook my head and smiled.

"Daryl, are you sure you dropped 'em?" Glenn asked turning around. 

"I dunno. I don't remember much from it, but they weren't around me when y'all woke me up."

All of a sudden, the smell of burning flesh hit my nose. I then saw flames in the air. "What the hell?" I said.

We walked through the trees to see five bodies being hung by their necks on branches and were burning. "Who the hell would do this?" Glenn said. I shook my head in disbelief and kept walking forward.

"Hold up," I heard Daryl say as he caught my arm,"Look." I glanced to where he was pointing and saw a note along with his crossbow against a tree.

The note said...

'Dear bearded Biter magnet,

We were generous enough to give you your weapon back. If you would like your supplies back to your person keep walking West and you'll see our camp. Bring your group and we can negotiate.

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