«Chapter 31»

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«Chapter 31»

«Daryl's POV»

I heard explosions in the distance. Gunfire and booms were faded, but still audible. She must be giving them Hell.

I had been walking for miles trying to distance myself from the soon to be walker dinner hall. The gunfire will attract them all the way from China, especially since it's been going on for this long.

A part in me knew that Abigail couldn't stand a chance against those men. Even though she was the one to play a fair fight, her life wasn't going to be spared.

A few walkers marched closer to me. I'm guessing they were following the noise then stumbled upon me. I used my crossbow to shoot one and stabbed the others.

I yanked the arrow out of the corpse's head and I realized the gunfire stopped. I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking of the worst.

I replaced the arrow and began to march back where I came from for the supplies. It wasn't really any use since most likely it probably isn't even there, but it gave me an excuse to go back and see what happened.

Was she really dead or did she finish them off? Either of those would be impossible, but the most logical.

They might be torturing her. Killing her would be too easy and not satisfactory enough for them. They'll probably rape her, cut out her tongue, and smash her head in when they're done. I felt guilty for not staying after I made that move on her.

I walked a few miles until I saw flames crawling from tree to tree. What the hell was she up to? At least she went out with a bang.

There was no hope to get the supplies since they were probably on fire. I would have to get out of the area just in case because this would bring walkers in by the hundreds.

Just as I was turning to head out, a hand clasped over my mouth and forced me to the ground. A man I didn't recognize had a face of strain written across his mouth.

I fought to stay alive, but I saw other men pin me down. The stranger that held me down punched me repeatedly until all I saw was darkness.

«Hours Later»

I fought to pull my eyes open. I flinched since the light burnt my sight. I felt my wrists rubbing against ropes and a cloth in my mouth that was tied around my head.

My eyes shot open. I was in the middle of a hay covered floor tied to a post. I looked frantically around and saw gray walls with chains hanging from the ceiling and walls. There were no windows and the room was dark except for a small lamp hanging above me. I felt weak and helpless like this. It felt I was being thrown back into that arena forced to fight Merle to the death again.

All of a sudden, a dilapidated door in front of me busted open. The man that took me down earlier walked in casually with figures behind him. He had a scruff face and gray hair covering his chin and head. He smirked at me and stepped off to the side to let the bodies behind him get through.

Two large men held a small shadow that seemed crouched and beaten. I couldn't tell who it was since their hair was covering their face when they were looking down.

The stranger that tackled me reached for the body's head and grasped a hand full of hair. He jerked up its skull to reveal Abigail with bruises and cuts across her face. Her mouth was duck taped shut and you could see pain in her closed eyes. Her eyelids were closed tight and I could see she was struggling to keep fighting. They tied her hands behind her back and dragged her here since she mustn't have the strength to even stand.

I started to thrash and kick thinking I could get to her. The three men chuckled in unison as they watched me struggle.

The leader nodded his head and the two men threw Abigail into the ground. She was helpless and weak when she hit her head on the stone underneath the hay. She flipped onto her back and stayed motionless. She lay there most likely unconscious with blood leaking from her cuts.

"You sick bastards!" I tried to shout, but the rag kept me from rage only making me gag. The men chuckled once more.

"Why don't we take you to your quarters for the night and we can talk about your 'arrangements' in the morning," the leader winked menacingly.

One of the men grabbed Abby by her waist and hoisted her over his shoulder without any struggle. The other came behind me and untied my bonds then made me follow the leader.

I clenched my jaw as we were brought to where ever we were going. The only thing heard was the clunking of our boots against the stone. I didn't have the strength to fight them back. My breathes were ragged as I watched Abigail's limp body in front of me.

The men stopped by a metal bar gate and smirked. The hands that held me untied the cloth in my mouth and waited. The leader opened the gate with a key and swung it to the right. The man holding Abigail put her on a straw hammock that was against the wall while I was shoved inside. The leader hurried to close the door and gave us a salute. They left leaving only my hatred towards them.

I hurried over to Abigail and knelt beside her. She had a lump on her forehead and crusted blood across her face. I grabbed my bandanna that was in my pocket, dabbed some saliva on it, and wiped the red and dirt away.

After a few minutes of watching her breath, her eyes started to slowly open. "Abigail? Abby?" I cooed hoping she would wake. I could finally see her eyes after she tried so hard to uncover them.

"Daryl? Where are we?" she said weakly. She must've not seen me before she got knocked out. "We're in a cell at your old group's place. They jumped me and took me here," I answered.

She looked weak and tired. "Get some rest. It'll be all over in the morning," I sighed as I got off my knees and lay down on the cold stone.


A/N: So, a bunch of shit went down. I know I posted early, but I kinda want to get this one over with. I wrote all the chapters and I might post every day until we reach the end. I also wanted to tell you about my new story 'Marching With the Dead'. It's another Daryl FanFiction and I'm really excited about this one. I have a few others in the making, but I'm not prepared for those yet. So, I hope you enjoyed this one so far because I sure did!

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