-If it's not necessary, we...

-Call me to give me the date of the meeting and I'll tell if I can come." I answered, interrupting JongIn.

            The lawyer nodded with a smile and tended me her hand. I gladly shook it and without a smile to neither her or JongIn, I went to Jason who automatically held my hand and exited the room. JongIn was not far behind us. we went to the car and I put jason on the back seat. As I was about to go to the driver seat, JongIn stopped me. He pulled me by the wrist to make a few steps away from the car.

"Tiana, are you seriously going to meet with him when you said you wouldn't anymore?

-I need to make sure he won't try to go to jail and not follow his promise!

-You don't have to go there to do so! I won't let you go!" he yelled at me.

"I don't need you permission to do anything, JongIn! I'm a grown woman and I do whatever I want.

-No you don't! When it can put you in danger, you don't!

-I won't be in danger! You say that just because you still wanna blame everything that happened on him!


-You're being like that because he opened our eyes on how much of a monster is your father! You seems to forget he is a victim too!" He glared at me.

"You can glare at me all you want but your father took advantage of his obsession to hurt me. He is mentally unstable and your father probably knew it!

-It's not my father who made him rape you as I know!

-So now you're defending your father? You think the rape is worse than what i've been through while I was pregnant?" I yelled back at him. I knew everyone around was looking at us.

"I never said that! I'm saying he should pay for what he did!

-And it's up to me to decide how! It doesn't concern you!

-It does! You're my wife and...

-I'm not your wife, Jongin!" I shouted, annoyed.

"And the way things are going right now, I may never ever be!" I let out and I was really thinking it. How was I supposed to marry him with the way we were at this moment.

             He eyes became dark with sadness and anger probably. He didn't even said anything back. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it and silently walked to the car. He opened the passenger door and hopped in, I did the same on the driver seat. I was so angry but still I was driving carefully. I was starting to calm down when JongIn went back at it.

"Even if you say mean things it doesn't mean I will let you go to this meeting with him.

-JongIn, for the last time you're not my father. I will go and you won't prevent me from doing so!

-You won't go!

-JongIn, I'm warning you. I don't have the time nor the will to obey you as a little puppy concerning this matter. If you still wanna try to order me around, just try me!" I said sternly. For a moment he stayed silent, probably contemplating if he really wanted to answer to this.

I Needed to, I Had toOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz