I'm Improving

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A few months later:
"Mommy! The cake is ready"

The house smelled of pure vanilla. My white tank top was covered in pink frosting and sprinkles after I finished spreading some on the cupcakes I made earlier.
Mom came down and put her mitten on and took the cake out.

"This looks absolutely yummy" she said while placing it on the cooling rack next to me "you almost finish sweetie?"

"Yes mommy" I smiled "oh wait come closer"

She smiled and stood next to me. I took a a little bit of the frosting and placed some on her nose. She giggled and put some on me as well. Shane came down with Nana in his hands who was all pampered up.

"Well, will you look at that Nana" he smiled "shouldn't you save that for the cupcakes?"

He placed nana on the counter who sat upright and watched us. I grabbed some frosting and placed some on his face.

"Lucy!" He yelled.

Mommy had grabbed some and placed more on his face.

"M-mom!" He yelled while wiping it off his face.

I began to run as did mommy. He followed us and grabbed us both from behind.

"Mommy he's got us!"

"Oh my the pink monster did!"

She turned around, grabbed Shane by the face and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. The frosting was placed on her face more then before. We all began to laugh and walked towards the counter.

"The frosting is going to be a nice mask on my face" Mommy giggled "it will make me look even younger."

"Mom you are absolutely stunning" Shane laughed "wait stay still."

He took out his phone and told mommy to pose and smile. I stood next to him watching her smile grow and grow. He took multiple pictures of her and she loved it. My life was going great. Having a mother and brother to love was the greatest gift in the world. As soon as he was done she asked to take a selfie with all of us. Shane held the camera as we all prepared for multiple pics with different facial expressions.

"Yes yes I love it!" Mommy cheerfully said "I want to post it on the thing"

"You mean instagram?" Shane laughed

"Yes yes" she looked around for her phone "I'm going to put silly times with my silly children."

She took her phone out and asked me if I could help. I had recently started using a phone as well. We all ended up taking the iPhone 7. Thank from the help of fundraisers and the media. I became the worlds "most heroic girl" in one night. My brother and fans asked for me to create social media accounts. Which for now I use ever so often. I created a YouTube channel and own my own fundraising program that helps girls in need. I don't attend school anymore due to meetings I have to go to and conventions but, I enjoy this life now. Bailey and Violet join me on my events and don't attend school either. Connor still attends school but, ever so often he come with me as well to conventions. They all helped me and each and everyone one of us tell our story. Even if I am the main attraction, they are the ones who helped me during the worst times. Mommy now stays with us and Nana is my mascot for pictures and especially Instagram. I enjoy my life and I'm going to keep helping the girls who need to be heard.

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