Good Girl.

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Shhh stay quiet little.

The men passed by the cars checking underneath.

No no! They gonna find us!

My heart was racing again. I shut little out for a second and began to think and look around me. I tried to open up my bag but couldn't. I saw nana's eye glowing through a little whole in the bag. I tried to open it but the zipper was caught on something.

What do I do now!

I tried to see if anyone was close by. If they weren't then I would go underneath another one. But I noticed two men, one on each side. I couldn't think straight. What am I going to do. I felt someone watching. Someone was around me but I didn't know where.

Big girl!

My ankle was grabbed. I didn't scream. I tried to crawl away from them but couldn't. They grabbed me and pulled me out. They had covered my mouth and someone else had taken my bag. I began to kick and struggle to get free but they had been to strong. They began to drag me downstairs. The lights were flickering and all you could hear were moans of the girls being sexually abused. The moans were then screams, most would go silent but in others you could hear the beatings and slaps.


I'm sorry little!


They threw me into a room, I hit the ground so hard I heard the echo between the walls. They both had masks on and at the same time were looking for something in there pockets. One took a rope out and the other condoms.


"Get away from me!" I yelled "help!"

"No one is going to hear you and even care" the tallest one said.

"We just want you for pleasure little girl" the other commented

"No! Fuck off!"

"Now now little girl that's no way to talk to your master" the tall one said.

"You aren't my master and I'm not your girl" I yelled "leave me alone!"

The taller one covered my mouth and grabbed me by the throat. I tried to grasp for air but couldn't. It was getting darker and darker and my body felt heavy.



I couldn't picture her face. The baby's face. I saw him but not the baby. He stood by a window cradling her tightly while she slept soundly asleep. I felt tears running down my cheek and the warm summer breeze brushed up against my skin.

"She's so beautiful" he said softly as he cried. "Just like her mother"

I walked closer to them and he suddenly stopped and turned.

"What are you doing I want to see her" I said

"No, not yet" he nervously said "not until I get you."

"What do you mean.."

"I'm getting closer" he said as he held her closer and looked cautiously around "just be a good girl"

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