Always a Guess

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Aidan Moore: Serial Dater Has a New Girlfriend

"What the...?" I ask myself when catching sight of Mom's favorite magazine, which sports a photo of Aidan and--me?  Of course it is, but its hard to believe what a big enterprise Summertime is, and the fact that I could possibly be considered famous (rather than a girl just running between a world of acting and school) is almost too much to wrap my mind around.

Before I can read the rest of the article, however, Ben comes up behind me, groggy and in pajamas after having come back at three in the morning the night before.  Giving me a glare as greeting, he takes the magazine from my hands (no doubt thinking its the newspaper) and looks at the cover. His eyes grows comically wide as he throws the magazine onto the table, suddenly awake as though injected with caffine.

"What the hell, Lulu? You can't just go around kissing people! You're--you're..." he falters, realizing that I am fifteen, then continues with, "Too young to be dating people! Especially Aidan Moore!" I had been smiling, happy that perhaps he was coming back as an (overprotective) brother to me, but the smile slides off my face like water when he annunciates Aidan's voice as if it is venom. Something sparks inside of me, and I open my mouth.

"Oh, really? When you've been dating people since you were what, twelve?"

"But this is different!" he demands.

"How so? Because I'm a girl? Because its Aidan? Tell me how in the world this is different!" By the end of my rant, my voice has risen to a shout that I never knew I could make. Veins practically bulging with anger, Ben replies, "Because you're my baby sister!" Then, suddenly remembering that he is supposed to be mad at me, he clamps his hand over his mouth and goes for the staircase. Before he can, however, I stop him with an embrace.

"Ben! We're supposed to be mad at Lucy!" I hear a voice stage-whisper, only to see Evan and Danny standing on the stairwell, looking down on us. But when I look up at Ben, he's just shaking his head silently.

                                                       *                      *                      *                   *

When I go upstairs to change before heading to FlyHigh Studios, I check my phone to see a text from Aidan. "Seen the tabliod? darndarndarndarn".

Laughing, I text back affirmatively. Within a minute, he replies with, "whatever. their just guessing".

Not bothering to correct his grammar, a smile blossoms on my face. That's what the media does, isn't it? Guess, rip apart lives, and fail.  Well, I decide, maybe they won't anymore--not now that I have brothers and a boyfriend, words that still feel novel on my tongue.

I simply tell Aidan that I'll be at the Studio soon.

We'll keep the tabloids guessing.

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