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A/N: I think this is my favorite chapter in this book so far. I hope you like it!!! Sorry about the long wait!!!


         On Monday, I walk into school wearing a black miniskirt, one of Mom’s shirts that’s a soft cream color except for some black lace at the top, and short cream wedges (also borrowed from Mom).  My newly blown-out hair cascades down my shoulders, just like some of the popular girls’ do.  I don’t usually wear stuff like this to school, so Kat has to drag me through the hall, reminding me that I should look good for the first ever Summertime cast interview, which I’ll have to leave school early to attend.  I don’t want to make a fool of myself onscreen, but I don’t want to at school, either.  Kat and I try to rush past the It-Crowd, but just my luck, they catch sight of me.

         And the moment we see their faces, we realize it was all worth it.

         Kat and I continue through the day, taking too many notes as usual and reminding our teachers about homework.  However, every now and then we’ll smile at one another, knowing that the It-Crowd is all wondering why I’m dressed like this.  During second to last period history, though, I start to get a little nervous about the interview.  Someone from FlyHigh Studios is picking me up to go during this period, and then I’ll have to answer questions like crazy, and pretend to know what I’m doing, when really, I’m just an ordinary LA girl who likes acting.  For the first and only time in my life, I’m not paying attention to class, and Kat is having to whisper calming words to me every five seconds. 

Finally, I hear the door creak open.  I start to pack up my bag, trying not to be jumpy like on Saturday, and Kat pats my hand, trying to get me to calm down.  I know I shouldn’t be nervous—after all, it’s just taking an oral test with a few of my friends, but still.  However, I’m the one confused when I hear Popular Lucy and her clique shriek at the person standing in the doorway. Kat reverently asks me, “Is this one of the friends you made?”  Even our teacher gasps. I can’t resist the urge anymore—abandoning my backpack, I see Aidan resting on the door, looking completely at ease.

         “Are you—Aidan Moore?” our teacher asks, obviously impressed and a little flustered. He nods, sending another one of his disarming smiles at her.  Pretty much all the girls in our class except Kat and me giggle, while the boys grumble softly.  “The Aidan Moore?”

         “Yup! I’m here to pick up Luce.  They told me she was in here…?”

         Simultaneously, Popular Lucy and I both stand up.  However, while I’m swinging my backpack over my shoulder and saying bye to Kat, Popular Lucy has thrown herself at Aidan.  “You want me…to go on a date…with you?” she asks, obviously already planning it in her mind.  In the back of the classroom, her friends are tittering, while her boyfriend looks disgruntled.  I’m a little annoyed that Nick has decided to send Aidan into get me, didn’t he know it’d create a scene? But in a way, its funny to see the It-Crowd be confused as to why we’re such good friends—ten years of torture, and finally, someone is helping me pay them back.

         “Sorry, no,” Aidan says, “Good to hear I’m still extremely popular, though.” I roll my eyes.  Way to be cocky, Aid, I think.  “I’m here for Harper. Lucy Harper.” I chuckle and walk up to the door.

         Popular Lucy’s eyes widen.  “You’re going out with that freak?” she asks incredulously.  Both of us go red and shout, “God, no!” at the same time, which of course just makes us blush more.  I gesture at Aidan in a way that says, you explain, which he bounces back to me. I narrow my eyes at him, but before it can evolve into one of the classic full-blown Harper glares, Aidan gives me a disarming smile.  I try not to ease up my glare too quickly, but it’s hard when he’s being so nice, if a bit cocky.

         “We’re working on a movie together.”

         At this point, everyone in the classroom seems surprised, except for Kat and my teacher, who is looking at me happily.  “You didn’t tell them?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

         “Well, I told my best friend Kat.  But it’s supposed to be a secret, right?”

         “Yeah.  C’mon, Luce, we have to go.  Nick’s waiting outside, with Muck, and he’ll kill me if we’re late.” I have to chuckle at the fact that Aidan is still calling Steve, Muck.

         “Okay.  Bye, Ms. Weber.” I also shoot a little wave at Kat, who smiles and gives me a thumbs up.

         As we walk out, Aidan looks over his shoulder at the stunned classroom.  “The movie’s called Summertime.  Look it up.” Then, he drags me out to Nick’s van.

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