Visiting Day

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A/N: I'm back!!!  Sorry this vignette took so long to write. PLEASE give me constructive critism!!! Thanks!!! I hope you like the vignette.


        It's one of the best days of my life when I can walk into FlyHigh Studios with Kat by my side. Together, we're unstoppable: best friends, being pushed and jumbled every which way by the wind, but never letting it pull us apart. Of course, we're not the only ones. Lizza brings her husband along: a smart, down-to-earth man who has obviously kept her safe all these years.  Larry sweetly leads a little two-year-old girl around set, whose pigtails bounce every few minutes where she jumps, points at something and exclaims, "Tanku, Gwandpa!"  Steve walks around with his younger brother, who laughs raucously every time Steve says something about someone in the cast. When he points me out, I see Steve's brother glance at Aidan and then back to me before laughing.  It's a weird gesture, but I can't help wishing I had the same relashionship with my brother, Ben.  

         Kat is wonderful with all the new people: she just stays her outgoing self, and introduces herself to everyone, even if I don't point them out. She and Lizza laugh about something I don't even understand.  Larry, although as uncomfortable and awkward around her and he is around me, but he doesn't badmouth her, which must be a start.  Kat and Steve hit it off right away, leaving Steve's brother and I to stand akwardly by the wall.  Neither of us talk until I see Scarlette sitting on a bench a few feet away, still and silent as a photograph. "Scarlette!" I shout, "Come over!" In return, she sends a glare at Steve's brother and I, and turns back. "I'm going to go talk to her," I tell Steve's brother, and turn on my heel, only to see him following me.  He shrugs, and we continue walking, before plopping down next to Scarlette on the bench.

          "What's up?" I ask her. 

          "Nothing. I said this was a bad idea.  All you main characters are completely distracted."

        "Didn't you bring anyone?" Steve's brother asks.

         "No." Scarlette answers shortly.  I wait for more, but it's as if her words have been stopped by an invisible barrier: nothing more is forthcoming.

          We sit akwardly for a few minutes.  Kat and Steve still haven't come over to get us, Larry is preocupied with his granddaughter, Lizza is introducing her husband to everyone here, and Mary and Grace are doubled over laughing with their cousin.  Finally, Steve's brother asks, "Who brought guests today?"  For a minute I'm startled: since Steve is so popular on set, I would have thought he would have known everything already.  Soon, though, the surprise melts away into smooth words.

         I recite everyone I know to him. "I don't know who Aidan brought, though."

         For the first time in a few minutes, Scarlette breaks through her barrier. "He's over there, with his date."  

         I feel as though I've just been dropped to the ground from the roof of the studio.  "He has a girlfriend?" At first, I realize my voice is strung with jealously.  Why, though? I certainly don't care who he dates.  At all.  I'd never date anyone like him any--where did that come from?  I backtrack on my words.  "That's cool. What's her name?"

            "A date," Scarlette corrects me. "Aidan's never had a girlfriend for more than two weeks.  Don't you read celeb magazines?"  Luckily, Kat and Steve come over to save me from answering.  They're both smiling, but Kat's smile drops when she sees me.  She follows my gaze towards Aidan and his date.  

      "Luce? Can I speak to you--alone?" Before letting me answer, Kat pulls me to the ladies' restroom.  She situates us in the handicapped stall, locks the door, then turns to me.  "So, what's going on with Aidan?" she asks me in a singsong voice.

       I practically fall into the toilet.  "Wh-what?" I splutter, "What do you mean? There's nothing between us! We're friends! He has a girlfriend--or a date," I correct myself.  To my surprise, Kat points at me. 

           "Aha!  I knew it! I knew it!  You wouldn't mention Aidan's girlfriend if you weren't jealous!"

           This time I do fall on top of the toilet.  "I am not!  I mean, sure, he has that celebrity hot look, but he can be so annoying!"

            Kat just smiles at me.  "Admit it, Lu.  You're in love."

            "Am not!"

            "Are too!"

           "Am not!"

            "Are too!"

            "Listen, I don't like him that way.  Don't dictate who I like."

          At this comment, Kat's playful nudges and smirks come to a halt.  "I'm not dictating, Luce. I'm just stating the facts.  You're in denial."

          "You did the same thing when you thought I had a crush on Luke from middle school."

         "You did!"  Kat says, obviously offended I had forgotten this fact

         "For two seconds.  It wasn't love."  

         Kat is now gaping at me.  "Lucy.  I'm not trying to dictate anything for you.  I'm telling you what's obvious from a best friend's point of view.  And what's obvious is that you like him." When I shake my head, she continues on. "Seriously, Lu.  I'm already loosing you with this whole Summertime thing.  Please, just listen to me on this.  You might not realize it yet, but I can tell. You like Aidan."

       For some reason, anger surges inside of me.  "Kat--this is what I was just saying.  You're telling me I'm in love with someone, when I'm not.  I think I'd know if I was.  And besides, he has a girfriend, and he'll have another one in the next two weeks--"

        "Which could be you!"

         "No, it couldn't.  Because I don't like him."

        At this, Kat turns to unlock the stall, her bubbly personality from this morning completely gone.  "You know, Lu, I knew that Summertime would change you.  But I didn't think you'd sink so low as to accuse your best friend of 'forcing you to love someone'." Kat walks out of the stall briskly.  "I don't think I should be here anymore, if you don't want to listen to what I have to say."  She shoves the door open fiercly.  "Have fun pining for Aidan."  With that, she runs out of the bathroom.

          "Wait---Kat--" I shout, going after her, but I've already lost track of her.  Depressed in defeat, I sit down next to Scarlette, for the first time in my life feeling as lonely and reserved as her.              

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