Meet the Parents

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A/N: I'm so sorry!!! You must hate me for not updating.  I've had so much work and no time! I'm also being haunted by several story ideas... I want to finish this and my other stories first, though.  I hope you like the chapter anyway.  I'll update sooner next time!! Promise!!! -Lynne


       I slowly scroll through the contact list on my phone, looking for a friend to invite over so as to please my parents wants.




     Ever since became clear that Kat and I are never going to be friends again, my parents have badgered me to bring some friends over; to show that the movie's not wrecking my life.  And it's not.  But when I think about having someone over, the only person who comes to mind is Kat.  And thinking her name only rubs salt into a wound that won't seem to heal.


       For a second, not thinking, I ask myself who Ben is, then remember it's my brother. Who, at the moment, I hate.  I laugh at myself, and quickly run past my brothers' names.   Firstly because I won't forgive them for insulting my life, and also because I can't exactly invite them over for dinner.




        My eyes pause as I read over Scarlette's name.  She's not exactly friendly, and we're not exactly close, but there's something about her I can't help but notice.  As if, she almost wants to keep everyone at an arm's distance... As if she doesn't want to be friends with me, no matter how much I try to be nice to her.   Which is all the more reason I can't invite her over.

                                             Steve (Muck)


      I stop here.  Steve and Aidan are my two best friends, and I would have no problem inviting them over, if not for two things.  One, they're guys.  And two, I've kissed Aidan.

       And my parents don't know.

       But, at this point, it seems as though I have no other choice.

      One by one, I click on their names and start typing in a text message...

                                                     *      *       *      *     *    *     *    *     *              

       "Danny! Put down the nerf gun!" Not looking up to see if he's done so, I continue restlessly cleaning my room; trying desperately to make it look acceptable.   Finally, throwing some pencils in a drawer and plugging in my laptop, I stand up.  I start to admire my work only to have a Nerf bullet hit my glasses and bounce off.  "Danny!" I run after the giggling in the hall.  Before I reach him, though, the doorbell rings.  Abandoning my mission to get Danny to behave normally, I rush to the door only to stand in front of it.  Was it really a good idea to invite Aidan and Steve over? Should I have invited Scarlette instead, despite the fact she seems to want to avoid me? Should I have...

       It's too late now, anyway.  Breathing deeply, I open the door, expecting to see the two of them.  Instead it's just one.  And, of course it has to be the one that I would feel most awkward hanging out with alone.

        After all, I'd recognize that messy dark hair anywhere.

                                                     *      *       *      *     *    *     *    *     *              

       "So..." I say, leading Aidan upstairs.  I'm no good at starting conversations, especially with people like Aidan.  I always feel as though I'm taking an extremely hard test: I've prepared well, I know what I want to happen, but the minute it starts I feel as though I've forgotten everything I've had planned.  Luckily, if I know Aidan, I know he won't allow there to be a silent moment.  

         "Really, Lu?  Can't think of something to say?" A smirk crosses Aidan's face, and I know I can't let it grow.  Sticking my tounge out at him, I reply, "Well, erm, I was going to introduce you to--Danny!"  I scream the last word as another Nerf bullet hits my arm.  I hadn't actually planned on introducing Aidan and Steve to my brothers until dinner, but at least it avoids awkward silences or Aidan teasing me--although I don't mind the latter as much as I'd like to.

         Before I can continue, the doorbell rings once again, and I rush down to open it; leaving Aidan running after me in the dust.  I pull back the door to see Steve, leaning against the door as if he has lived here his whole life.

        "Hey, Muck," Aidan's voice says behind me, and I repeat the sentence.  Now that he's here, I feel more comfortable leading them around the house, introducing them to my brothers (all of whom recognize them both from a different "favorite movie")--at least, until my parents call us to dinner.

                                                      *     *     *     *     *     *    *      *     *     

         Needless to say, it's awkward to sit down, surrounded by bucketloads of boys, with my parents, and two best friends.  Ben tries to look unimpressed, but I know a part of him is wishing for an autograph.  At this, I can't help but smirk. Payback.  Evan and Danny squirm in their seats, eat their pizza quickly, and steal glances at Steve and Aidan as if they will disappear if they look too long.  Meanwhile, my mom makes polite but simple talk and my dad glares at Steve and Aidan in turn.

         "Do you do drugs? Or alcohol?" he asks roughly, pointing a finger at the two.

         "Dad!" I say, feeling my face turn red.  To them, I whisper, "He's not usually like this."

         A chorus of "no, sir"'s and "of course not"'s come from Steve's mouth, but Aidan replies, "No, I don't, and I don't plan to.  I'm only sixteen."  Of course, sixteen is old enough to drop out of school, but my dad seems content.

         "Good," he says, "I'm not having Lulu become one of those wasted kids because she stars in a movie."

        For a minute, all that can be heard is the clattering of fork on plate.  Then, my mom says, "So, boys, what are your hobbies? Other than acting?"

        Steve starts with a legitimate answer, but Aidan cuts in. "Teasing Muck.  And this one."  He points towards me.  As soon as I finish chewing, I bump him with my shoulder.  "Shut up.  Or should we make you a nickname better than Muck?"  Steve and I start to laugh, while Aidan's face can be described by nothing but stricken.  When I have regained the focus to look around, I see that my family is looking at us intently, as if we are part of some science experiment to prove an unknown point.  Mom whispers something to Dad that I can't make out, while Evan and Danny giggle quietly.

        All at once, embarrasment sweeps over me, unlike it ever has when Aidan teases us at the studio.  "What?"

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