It Hurts

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    I walk into the mall, silent and poised.  I agreed to go because Mom needed something, not because I wanted to go alone.  It feels so weird to walk through the halls without Kat next to me, chattering on about whatever she sees in the windows. However, I assume a poker face and walk through the halls towards the cosmetics shop.  I pick up the shampoo and conditioner Mom needed there, then start to head to the candy shop of my own accord; to get as a peace offering for my brothers.  After a few minutes, I start to run, so that I can make it back in time for Mom to pick me up.  But something makes me stop in my tracks.


       And she's not alone.  Next to her, I see a cascade of auburn hair, a straight brunette ponytail, and, facing me--Popular Lucy.  

       It takes a minute to sink in.  Once I've gotten over that detail, I suddenly realize: if Kat's with Popular Lucy, she must also be with Chloe and Sophia.  

                                                          It hurts.

        To see my ex-best-friend hanging out with our old tormenters.  Why would she do this? To make me jealous? Doesn't she know I never want to see them again?

         I continue running, but before I can get all the way through the hall, Popular Lucy stops me.  "Hi, Lucy!" she shouts.  

       "Hi," I say weakly.  Popular Lucy waves her hand, beckoning Chloe, Sophia and Kat to come forward.  They accept the call happily.

                                                           It hurts.

         To realize that my ex-best-friend has her arms crossed just like the rest of them.  Before I can get away, Sophia gives me a large, fake smile.  "We heard what you did to Kat," she says, walking ominously towards me.  "You know, I never thought you'd be that mean to someone."  

         "I guess it's the the acting," Chloe adds, letting the other girls nod in agreement.  "They always look so nice, and act so rude and obnoxious to everyone else.  Well, in this case... just are awful."  Chloe flips her perfect auburn hair as if to prove how much better she is than me. 

         Now it's Popular Lucy's turn. "At first, I was really jealous I didn't get the part, but now I see it's really good.  I mean, you are so different now.  How could you ever accuse Kat of something?"

          I'm used to this kind of bullying, so it doesn't affect me much.  A few blushes, a few downward glances, one 'goodbye' comment and it'll be over.  But then I realize this time will be different.

                                                          It hurts.

          To see your ex-best-friend's mouth open to join in the hate-fest.  My stomach churns as if I am falling, and my mouth opens and closes wordlessly like a fish.  How could she do this? I didn't mean to hurt Kat with those comments.  How could she just cut our friendship off in two minutes?

         "I think that Steve and Aidan have been a bad influence on her." Kat says, knowing it'll be a  punch in the gut.  Picking on me is one thing, picking on them is another.  I want to scream at her, tell her how they helped me get over our fight, how the reason I don't need her anymore is because I have them.  To tell her how Steve is my honorary brother.  

          To say how Aidan always finds some way to brighten my day.

           But I can't.  All that comes out is a soft, "No! They're better!"  

           "Let's go," Popular Lucy says, leading the foursome away.  Sophia slaps her ponytail into me face, Chloe smirks, and Popular Lucy struts away condescendingly.  For a moment, however, Kat remains.

           "Kat..." I whisper, hopeful and afraid.  

          "No." she says, at first unsure.  Then she repeats the word, more confidence embedded in it this time.  "You don't listen to me, I don't listen to you."  With that, Kat turns away, running to catch up to her new best friends.

                                                      It hurts.

          To realize your best friend for life is no longer your best friend.

                                                        It hurts.

          To realize she hates you because of your other best friend.

                                                      It hurts.

         To realize... what if she's right?

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