One, Two, Twenty

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A/N: I really hope you like this chapter!!! I'm so, so sorry it took so long to upload; I've been really busy.  Anyway, please comment and vote!! I'll upload the next vignette ASAP.


         I walk into FlyHigh Studios, still groggy for the early morning alarm.  Other than the fact we're scheduled to film outside today, I don't think anything special will happen.  As usual, I grab a schedule and make my way over to Steve and Aidan.  For once, it seems to be that Steve is teasing Aidan about something, pointing at the schedule in Aidan's hands and then laughing as Aidan silently goes red.   Aidan then makes what seems like a snarky reply, but still--it never takes Aidan more than a second to think of something cocky to say. I run over and shout, "Hey, Muck! Aidan!", hoping it will stop them.

         It does.  They wave me over, a gesture I accept happily.  "So, what's going on today?" I ask, scanning the sheet I've been holding for the past five minutes. At this,  Steve cracks up and Aidan blushes again.  I look up.  "What?"  Subconciously, I start to play with the ends of my hair, a bit worried for what's coming next.

        "You two," Steve chokes out, "Are going to have to make out! Twenty times!" He breaks back into hysterical laughter, pointing at mine and Aidan's blood red faces.  I don't know what to say.  Part of me wants to fake a laugh and tell Steve he must be joking even though I know he's not; the other part wants to say I'm looking forward to it--although I'm not.  Not at all.  I just would like to make Aidan uncomfortable, for once, since he always does it to me. 

          But by the time I've come up with a suitable answer, the time for responses has passed and I have to go on without saying anything.  Aidan has regained his posture and says, "So, Lulu, excited for your best kiss?" He raises his eyebrows a few times, which I can't help but laugh at.  "First, actually," I repsond, then mentally slap myself: I may not try to hide my nerdy self, but being in tenth grade and not yet been kissed can make you seem a little--anitsocial.

         At this, both Steve and Aidan look at me as if I've just grown a second head.  "You've never kissed someone?" Aidan asks me softly.  Then, not waiting for my answer, he shouts to Nick, "Guess what, Nick! Lucy hear has never been kissed!" I feel myself go red and slap my hand over his mouth.

         "Shut up," I grumble, my head pounding.  "It's not a big deal."

         "Yes it is!" Aidan argues.  "You can't be kissed on camera and not in real life!  That's just not--not right!"

          I raise an eyebrow at him.  "Isn't this real life, right now?" After all, we are standing, talking, referring to each other as Lucy, Aidan and Steve rather than Skye, Eric and Connor.

          At this, a broad smile grows on Aidan's face; one that suggests mischief.  "Yes," he says, "Which is why you need your first kiss now."  I'm about to say that it's not what I meant, that I'm fine having my first one on camera or not at all, but the second Aidan's lips touch mine the thought vanishes from my head. Steve mubles something in the background, but I can't even comprehend what he's saying.  All I can think is that this feels so good.  And I don't want it to end.

         But of course, as I think that, Aidan pulls away.  He smirks, and says, "There.  Now your all set."

        There are so many things I could say to that.  I'm tempted to ask him one of the millions of questions buzzing in my head--do all kisses feel like that?  why did you do that?--but I stick with a flat "Thanks," refusing to let him see how much I enjoyed it.  Apparently, though, my uncertainty shows on my face, making my two best friends laugh.

        "Your going to have to get used to awkward, random kisses," Steve says, "If you want to survive in the celebrity world."

        "Oh, really?" I say.  "How many times have you two had to kiss someone."



         "Oh," I reply, glaring at Steve and Aidan's smirks.

       "Don't worry," Aidan says, pulling me into a one-armed brotherly hug that for some reason makes me feel as though someone has pulled the rug out from underneath my feet, "I'll be there to laugh you through it."

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