I Am Still Lucy

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A/N: Last vignette! Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting, and adding it to your reading lists! You have no idea how much it means to me. I hope you like this last chapter!

I am still the girl who is alone against the world. I am still the girl who looks as much like a one-hit Hollywood wonder as a chipmunk. I am still the girl who does not go to dances, who skipped her senior prom. I am still nerdy, I still like books more than boys, I still am teased.

I am still Lucy Harper. But I am no longer fifteen.

Kat is no longer my sole best friend. In addition, I have Steve; and a boyfriend, Aidan. Acting is no longer a priority, but a long lost dream; having been left in the dust only one year ago when I turned seventeen and Summertime ended. My life no longer takes places at my old hierarchy of a high school, but rather at college. 

This college is what I approach now. My parents and brothers have already left, leaving me to venture across the street to buy whatever dinner I can afford and then go back to my dorm room. Here, I find a new friend I can add to my ever growing list: my roommate, Emma.  Giving her the bag I have picked up for her, she immediately sits down next to me on my bed.

"So, Lucy, what are you majoring in?"

Four years ago, it would have been drama, but things have changed. "I'm not sure, really...maybe English."

"Oh, cool," Emma replies, obviously a bit disappointed. "I'm doing drama. This actress our age really inspired me to be an actress. She was a one-hit wonder, and I loved her performances in the Summertime movies!"  At this comment, I immediately loose my grip on reality. A pit forms in my stomach, and I sit up a little straighter. I loved those movies, but I'll be miserable if Emma still sees me as that one-time actress I once was.

"Who was she?" I ask tentatively; knowing if I don't, Emma will think me uncaring.

"Lucy Harper!" she exclaims. Then, realization washes over her like a wave. "Wait a minute...that's your name...but you can't be her...can you?"

Slowly, I nod. Emma's mouth widens until it's hanging open loosely. After a minute, she closes it, before saying, "I won't judge you for that. I think you're really talented, and...I think it's awesome that you can run between those two worlds." My heart swells at this. And our friendship is only confirmed when I hear her next question. "Sorry, just one more thing," Emma says, "Is Aidan Moore really that hot in person?"

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