Chapter 1

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Samantha's POV
I sighed. New school, new life.

Was I ready?


I took a deep breath as I stared at the massive high school in front of me.

Here goes nothing.

I tightened the straps on my backpack, and headed inside.

As I walked inside, I saw a group of high schoolers crowded around someone.

They were right by the entrance of the high school, so I stopped for a minute before heading inside.

Everyone was videoing a teenage boy who was rapping.

"Came a long way but I'm not complacent!!"

That was the only line I heard, cause everyone was cheering so loud.

I smiled as I watched for a few minutes. He was really good. And this was just off the top of his head?? Amazing.

I walked into the school, and my eyes widened and I stopped in panic.


And I had no clue where I was supposed to go.

Leave it to my parents, to decide to move when I was halfway through high school.

But it was worse for my brother, Shawn- this was his senior year. He'd so been looking forward to graduating and rocking senior year with all his friends.

But I knew he'd soon fit right in and become popular. Cause that was Shawn.

"What're you, a roadblock? Move!" A voice yelled from behind, and I jumped.

"Oh, did I startle you?" The voice asked again.

I turned around to see who the girl was.

And somehow I knew, she was the "popular girl." It was like in all the movies about high school.

She was wearing designer clothes, she had two sidekicks, and wore a sassy smirk on her face.

"I asked a question," she snapped.


"Forget it, I'm bored with you," she said, and sassy walked away.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, that was Heather. She thinks she rules the school, and it's atrocious," a boy said, walking up to me laughing. He was cute, with blonde curly hair and pretty eyes.

I laughed. "Yeah, I could already tell."

He smiled. "Are you new? You look lost," he said.

I nodded. "Extremely. I'm Samantha, I'm a junior this year." I was surprised at how chill I was being. Usually I was super shy. I was proud of myself.

He shook my hand. "Brady, I'm a sophomore. This is my first year too, but my friend Michael Conor showed me around the other day so I know where to go. Do you need a schedule?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I dunno where my locker is either," I said, laughing.

He smiled. "Here, let's go to that secretary over there, she can probably help," he said. "But fair warning, Michael said she's more of a principal then the actual principal and that she's really scary."

I laughed. "Ok. Thanks," I said, and we headed over to a desk in the giant office we were standing in.

"May I help you?" The indeed scary-looking lady said, looking up at us over her glasses.

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