Chapter 32: Lorelei's p.o.v.

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I heard someone talking to me, I knew it was Banner at first, trying to make conversation. I answered his questions when I heard them, but my attention kept coming back to my necklace. I heard someone calling something, my name. Set it down. Take it off and set it down. It's been there for years, it's never been important. "Lorelei." I dropped my necklace for a second and looked at Loki. He had his hand on my shoulder. He looked scared. "Lorelei." I saw Natasha, her friend, Stark, Captain America, and Fury behind him. Dr. Banner was still sitting across from me. He looked concerned. "What's going on? Why's everyone staring at me?" Thor pushed through everyone. "Loki, father's here." I saw a man behind Thor that looked like someone straight out of middle school history class. Thor's father Odin. "Where is he?" He stood next to Thor and only gave me a passing glance. "Loki we need to talk." "Father, it's not that I don't want to talk it's just, I have something a tiny bit more important right now." "What could be more important?" Loki glanced at me just for a second, as if to tell me to stay quiet. I wanted to shrink. I looked over and saw Banner standing next to me. Everyone was concerned, talking, freaking out. I gently fingered my necklace and I heard Natasha mention something about a mirage or illusion and chuitari. I heard Loki, Odin, and Thor talking, I heard the Captain and Stark going back and forth. All of it sounded crystal clear. I felt Banner gently touch my shoulder, he kneeled down and asked, "What going on? You keep phasing out." in a whisper. "I don't know but for a minute there I heard everything going on in this room, crystal clear, as if I was part of each conversation." I held up my necklace a little, "It's because that," I pointed to the other piece he was working on, "Activated this." I looked away for a second and everyone incuding Odin was staring. He walked over to me.

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