Chapter 3: Loki's p.o.v.

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Eight minutes earlier

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Eight minutes earlier

"Did you have to drag me out here Thor? It's too early to be going to Midgard." "It's not really necessary. Unless you're not planning to be cleared so father won't kill you." "All right! I get it. We don't want the world to have one less Loki." I relented. "Yes," he said hesitantly. "You hesitated," I said walking into the stables. "No! I didn't." I picked up a saddle and put it on top of Andlánt. "Let's hope Heimdall's up," I said sarcastically. "I don't think he ever sleeps." "Is that how we always got caught messing with the bifrost?" He nodded solemnly. "Lovely, we better get going, father's still furious at me." I slid one foot into the right stirrup and swung myself over and put the other foot in the left stirrup. "Hiya!" I shouted and my horse shot off.

"Come on Thor! Keep up!" "Remember what happened last time we raced on this thing?" he asked. "Yes, I broke my ankle and you your wrist and sprained your ankle too, if I'm not mistaken." I smiled at the memory. "We were both bed ridden for two weeks!" I shouted back. "Yes, you finally got better at your magic." I looked back and stuck my tongue out at Thor. "Are you ever going to catch up?" He flicked the reigns and Vísi sped up. I saw his horse stop suddenly and it launched him. "THOR!" I shouted. He quickly pulled his hammer off his belt and began swinging it and off he shot. "Cheater!" I pulled my staff off my back and whipped it down, cautious not to hit my poor horse, and transported straight into the main area of the Bifrost before Thor could. "Welcome sons of Odin." I resisted my urge to correct him.

"Hello Heimdall," I said calmly. I presume you didn't come racing out here just to say hello?" "I did Thor just wants to go to Midgard." Thor rolled his eyes and murmured, "Kiss-up," to me. "Sore loser," I replied. We each stuck our tongues out for a second before I climbed off my horse. I called one of the guards over, "take Andlánt back to the stables, please. I'll take care of him when I return." He nodded and walked Andlánt back. "Sons of Odin, safe travels. I bid thee farewell." He slid his sword into its slot and the bridge to Midgard started. "Farewell Heimdall," I said walking towards the bridge, disappearing from the view of Asgard.

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