Chapter 16: Lorelei's p.o.v.

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      I woke up in a small dark cell. “Loki?” I don’t know why I decided to call him, probably because he’s the only person in the whole world I know, besides his brother. I looked up and saw my backpack on a hook high up on the wall. “Cr-” I paused. “Crud.” Loki doesn’t even like the other version, Loki’s not here. Duh! I partly slid my shoe off and kicked it up towards my backpack. I missed. I went to reach for it and realized, my hands are chained to the wall. I stretched my leg towards it and got the shoe, I threw it up and hit it. “Victory!” I whispered. Keep your thoughts, thoughts. I wanted to tell the voice in my head to keep its two sense to itself. My backpack dropped and hit the ground I went to work, I unzipped it, and dug for my phone with my mouth. Apparently it was louder than I thought, because two Chitauri guards came in took my bag, smashed my phone. Hey! They smashed my phone. “That’s expensive!” The said something and another guard came in with the electro-staff. “Oh, dang.”

Loki & LoreleiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora