Chapter 15: Tony's p.o.v.

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       “Wait, nobody told me Loki has a sister.” The other Avengers made similar comments or dropped their jaws. “He just found her today.” “You also lost her today, what kind of,” Loki got up and slammed his arm into me and sent me flying. “You dare speak to me that way!” I cheesed him off, great. “So, it’s her fault?” I wheezed. I saw every muscle in his body tense, he launched himself at me. I took all the Avengers to hold him back, and even then they were struggling. “Don’t you dare speak about her that way! Let me go!” I sat up and watched him. I saw tears streaming down his face. “If you ever speak about her that way again you won’t live to regret it!” “Loki, Loki get a grip.” Thor was trying, unsuccessfully to calm him down. “Loki, stop!” I watched him go from hulking-rage to bawling his eyes out in a jumbled mess on the floor, mumbling in Norwegian again. Every one glared at me. “Sorry.” Cap walked over, helped me up, and punched me in the nose. “OW! Oh my gosh ow! We need to rename you Iron Fist, or maybe you can be Iron Man.” “You never know when to quit, do you Stark?” Fury asked. I looked over and saw Thor slinging an unconscious Loki, over his shoulder. “Woah, hey, why is he out?” “I gave him a sedative, genius. His vitals started gong crazy.” Natasha replied. “Does everyone hate me?” “Yes,” was the unanimous response. 

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