Imagine telling Dean your pregnant on Christmas morning

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You loved Christmas it was one of your favorite holidays . Growing up your parents had try to make it special for you . You also knew that Dean didnt have the best memories of Christmas growing up .

But you hope that you could change that . You started by insisting that you get a tree and start decorating around the bunker. " Decorating is half the fun " you told Dean and Sam as they hauled the tree inside.

"It a lot of work for just one day " Dean comment " your just being grumpy " you replied as you begin to open the decorations you had brought a couple days before.

You turned on some Christmas music and began to move about eventually coaxing the boys into the spirit of things and the rest of the night was spent laughing and joking .


Christmas was only a few days away but you already knew what you were getting the boys. Sam you had gotten him a new leather carrying case for his laptop and a new Journal . He had said a couple times that they should be keeping one like there dad did.

Dean on the other hand you had something special to give him and you hope he would like it. You wrapped it up and placed it underneath the tree along with Sam's .

You stood there for a second before a pair of arms slip around your waist. Warm soft lips on your neck making you smile.

" Was that my present I saw you put underneath the tree. " he asked You laughed and turned around in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck " Do you deserve a present ?" you asked

He pulled you in for a kiss " what do you think" he replied " I think you need to wait till Christmas morning to find out " you said this time pulling him into a kiss.


Christmas morning started out with you waking up Dean in a way that had you both leaving the bed with smiles. Then took over the breakfast making from Sam as the boys settled down with coffee at the table.

" My dad before he died would always fix this amazing breakfast for Christmas morning " you told them as you brought the food over to the table ." As a kid we knew we couldnt open any present until we ate. " xx

Sam smiled and handed you a cup of coffee " sounds really nice " he said . You settled down next to Dean " it was " you replied. "We didnt have a lot but those time when it was just us . That was nice "

You looked down at you coffee " I miss those time " you admitted looking back up at them when Dean put his hand on top of yours . You smiled " But I am looking forward making new memories here with you guys . " you said

Dean brought your hand up to kiss the back of it softly. Before grinning " well then let's get started I vote for present " he said and you just laughed .

Taking your coffee with you . You followed the boys out into the rec room . " Sam you open your gift first " you said handing him the two packages as he settled on the old couch that you guys had put in there in the rare time you got to relax.

Dean pulled you down onto his lap arms around your middle as you watched unwrapped the first gift. You loved how Sam face lit up when he saw the case and then the journal

"These are wonderful thank you " he said reaching over and giving you a hug. Then he handed you a present "Thanks " you said as you unwrapped it .

It was a book that you loved that you kept borrowing from Sam to read. You grinned "Tired of me bugging you all the time for it uh ?" Sam laughed .

"Ok my turn " Dean said nudging you off his lap. You sat down on the couch and watch Dean pluck a small box off the tree. You grinned "Neat hiding place " you said.

He sat down next to you and handed you the box suddenly looking nervous . You unwrapped and opened it . Your heart in your throat and pounding in your ears .You looked up at him.

"Are you serious ?" you asked "Very " he replied taking the box and removing the ring and taking your hand. " I love you " he said " you are the only I can see sharing my life with the only one who understands " he said

You were trying but failing to keep the tears away . " yes " you said softly as he slip the ring on your finger . You launch yourself at him kissing him .

When you finally pulled back " now it your turn " you said kissing him one more time . You stood up and got the bag that you had put his gift in .

You handed it to him and sat next to him you looked down at the ring on your finger and your nerves settled down just a little.

He open the bag and pulled out the tissue paper . He gave you a look when he pulled out the plan white box. You just smiled. " Go on "

He grinned and open the box and pulled out the simple red and silver Christmas ball for the tree. He looked at you in confusion . " Thank you" he said you grinned.

Read what it says " you told him he looked down and read it and watched as his eyes grew big . "Really?" he asked You smiled and nodded.

"What ?"Sam asked Dean handed Sam the ball. Where you had written

" Baby Winchester 2018 Merry Christmas "

Dean was pulling you into his arms again and kissing you breathless. When you pulled back you were being pulled into Sam's arms for a hug . You couldnt stop laughing

Dean pulled you back to him as soon as Sam let you go. One hand coming to rest on your stomach. " I was worried how you were going to take it " you said .

"I haven't given much thought about being a father " he replied . "But I do know that You are the only one I can see myself having that with " he said pulling you in for a kiss .

You were sure that this would be one of the best Christmas any of you ever had.

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