Imagine getting sick and Sam taking care of you

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A/n : these next few chapters have been requested I hope you enjoy !!!

You held the phone between your ear and shoulder as you pour yourself a cup of hot tea hoping that would help your sore throat. " Sam..." you said again he wasn't listening to you . He was going on and on about how you need to get to bed and rest or maybe possibly go to the doctors. "Sam I am ok I just need a day or so in bed and I will be fine. "And I will be good until you get back from this hunt." you said .. " I can always come home dean can handle this one " he said you sigh and took your cup and headed back to his room " No i am fine really I am going to get off her drink my tea and sleep "I will be good as new tomrrower " you said as you slip into the bed " you sleeping in my bed right " he asked and you could tell he was smiling. " Maybe ? you said snuggling down into the covers . "What I wouldn't give to be there right now. " he said with a sigh. "Well hurry up and finish that hunt and you can be " you said. "Get some rest " he said " I will call you tomrrower " he said . You hung up and finish your tea before you turn off the light and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you woke up and tried to sit up but that cause your stomach to roll and you scrambled out of the bed getting to the bathroom just in time. After a few minutes you stumbled over to the sink and washed your face and risen out your mouth . You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were pale and sweaty even though you were cold very cold. You stumbled back into the bedroom and back into bed . You drifted in and out for a while .. going between hot and cold. You heard your cell phone ring but had not stregthen to answer it. You tried to sit up again but once again you stomach rolled and you ended up in the bathroom. You suddenly wish that you had let Sam come home you really wish you could be in his arms right now .but you were not going to call him. You probably be over this by the time he got back here anyways.

You Threw on one of his sweaters and headed out to the kitchen to try to get something to drink. You still felt weak and a little lightheaded. but you knew you had to drink something. . You managed to get a little something to drink before you need to lay down again the room started spinning really bad and knowing you wouldn't make it to the bed. you headed to the couch . You dropped down and stretched out pulling the blanket that was laying over the top down on top of you . you didn't last long before you completely out .

Next time you came around you were back in Sam's bed and you wonder if you were seeing things now.. you tried to sit up by you body protested. "hey lay back down " you looked up and saw Sam standing next to the bed wit a worried look on his face. " what are you doing here I thought you were on the hunt with Dean. " you asked as he help you lay back down he sat down next to you on the bed brushing some hair out of your face. " when you didn't answer your phone we both got worried. I got worried so Dean told me to come on home and check on you .. " he said you heart warmed to think he drove all that way just to check on you. You reached for his hand " Thank you " you said . He smiled and leaned down to kiss you but you turned your head away ." I don't want to get you sick " you said.."I appreciated that but I don't care .. he captured your mouth with his when you turned your head back again. you were sorry that you were sick because you could have easily drugged him down on the bed on top of you at that moment. He pulled back and you sigh. " now I brought you some medicine and you need to try to drink something at least if your not going to eat anything " he told you standing up to go grab the medicine . You smiled watching him get busy taking care of you . He seemed to really enjoy taking care of you and you had to admit that you like having him to take care you .

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