Imagine getting hurt on a hunt and Dean nursing you back to health

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A/N: This was a requested chapter I hope you enjoy it

You were lifted up in the air and thrown against a headstone you crumbled to the ground .Pain shooting thought out your body . From Somewhere you could Dean and Sam both yelling for you but you couldn't respond at least not until you could get some air back into your lungs. Everything was fuzzy and you were close to passing out . Hopefully the guys were burning the dang sprit bones by now. You tried to keep your eyes open but the were slowly falling shut and your name being called out was the last thing you heard,

Pain was all you could feel when you finally came around you tried to move you body but that only cause more pain. Suddenly you felt warm hands on the side of your face. Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself starting up at Dean . He was starting down at you with concern . "Sweetheart how are you feeling ?" he asked you "Like I have been run over by a truck " you said with a groan. " I have some pain medicine for you to help with that" Dean replied. He got up and came back with a bottle of water and couple pills he help you sit up sliding a couple pillows under your back he gave you the water and the pills and you took them. "did you get the bones burned ?"you asked "yeah it was a pain the ass but we did it " Dean said. you looked around the motel room 'Where is Sam you asked "went out "Dean said "I offered to stay behind and keep an eye on you " he said. "Really " you said " you turned down an oppuntity to go find some woman to keep you company tonight " you said giving him a smile while on the inside your heart cracked at the though of him with another woman. he gave you a look and shifted where he was sitting next to you he stretched his leg out in front him. " As I see it I already have a pretty woman to spend the evening with " he replied .."But not the way you usually spend it " you said. He leaned forward where his face was inches from yours. " well maybe not tonight but I don't see what stopping up tomrrower " he said as he brushing his lips against your briefly ..your heart took off in your chest and you leaned forward to pressed your lip more firmly against his.. He then reached up and wrapped a hand around the back of your neck as he deepen the kiss. You both groaned . This was much better than you imagined . if you could have you would have crawled up in his lap ..You try to twist around to get closer but your body had other ideas and you pulled back with a wince. " I am sorry " he said " no it ok just got ahead of myself " you replied and he grinned the he sat up " I have an Idea " he climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom .

After about a couple minutes you heard the water running then he walked out ." I bet a nice warm bath with help you relax. .You smiled that dose sound nice " you said as he help you off the bed . You body protested but you knew you had to move around some to keep from getting to stiff. He helped you into the bathroom. "Do you think you have it from here " he asked you nodded " call me if you need help " he said "thanks " you said and he left shutting the door. you slowly undressed and slid into the warm water with a sigh.. he was right this was a good idea. you could feel every muscle in you relaxing. You leaned you head back and closed your eyes.. you were drifting off when there was a knock on the door " yeah" you called out " I got you some clothes to change into when your ready to get out "Dean said from the other side of the door. "ok come on in " you said. the door open and he hurried and put the clothes on the sink not looking in your direction even though you knew he wanted to you couldn't help but smile. "thanks I will be out in a minute " you said. "Take your time " he said and left. You stay in for another 10 minute before you got out you didn't want to fall asleep in there . Getting out was a little easier than getting in. You weren't as sore. You got dressed could help noticed he gave you his clothes to sleep in a t-shirt and sweatpants.. Then you walked out into the room He was stretched out on the bed with the TV.. he looked up when you came in ..he sat up ." feeing better ?" he asked" much now I am just ready to crash " you said as you went around and crawled onto the bed beside him. "That is fine go ahead " he said "Sam called and he wont be back till morning " he said with a grin and you laughed "so if you want I can take the other bed" .. you shook your head.. " you don't have to if you don't want to.." you said and he smiled reached over and grab the remote and turned off the TV then the light he waited until you were settled under the covers before he joined you. You rolled over to cuddle into his side as he slid and arm around you . you laid you head on his chest "Thank you for taking care of me tonight you didn't have to do it " you said looking up at him . He captured your mouth with his in a gentle kiss. " I wanted to" he said you smiled and laid your head back down and closed your eyes.. " I can't wait till tomrrower night " you said softly and you heard him chuckle "me too " he said.

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