Imagine spending the day at the pool with Dean

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"Wow I am impressed with this place it is much better than the other hotels that we stay in " you said as you open the door to your hotel room. Sam and Dean right behind you as you walked. All three of you sigh in relief as the air condition air hit your over heated skin. Sam shut the door behind you and you dropped your bag to the floor and flopped down on one of the two beds in the room. "Well I figure with it being so hot that we could afford to indulge in a place that had decent air conditioning and maybe a pool "Dean said moving closer to sit down on the bed next to you. You pushed your self up on your elbow and grin " Relaxing by a pool sounds really good " you said. Dean grinned down at you " you know we have to work on this case " he pointed out. "tomrrower " you said "today we can just sit by the pool drink beer and whatever " you said laying back down dreamily with a sigh. You two go on ahead I think a nice long nap sounds good right now "Sam said gathering his clothes and heading towards the shower. You heard Dean sigh. " Alright tomorrow we get right back to work." he said and you sat up grinning and leaned forwards and lightly pressed your lips to his. "Mm" are you sure you want to go to the pool. We can relax right here " dean said sliding an arm around you. You giggled and pulled away "No way I am not missing getting cool off in a pool " you said but then, you leaned forward and kissed the side of his neck before you whispered" but you never know about after the pool. We can send Sam out to get pizza or something " you said nipping at his ear and heard him groan. You pulled back smiling and stood up "Get ready " you said.

You were anxious to see what Dean' reaction would be to the new binki that you had secretly brought. Now was your chance. You gave yourself a once over before slipping a t-shirt over your body and slipping on your sandals. You walked into the room. " Are you ready?" You asked Dean stood from where he was packing the cooler. He had changed into his trunks and a t-shirt and personally you couldn't wait to get the shirt off him. The trunks too but, those would just have to wait till you were alone. His eyes ran over your body leaving it tingling. "Yep " he replied you forced yourself to turn to Sam who was sprawled out on the bed book in hand but looking like he was going to pass out any moment "sure you don't want to come?" You asked " no thanks I am good right here. "He replied you nodded and picked up your bag and Dean and you headed down to the indoor pool.

Luckily you two were only ones in the pool area. You claimed a couple chairs off to the side and set up your stuff. Then you slip off your sandals and then your shirt. You were not looking at Dean, but you felt his eyes on you. You turned around so he could get a real good look at the dark purple binki that you had chosen it fit you perfectly in all the right areas and the color was just right for your skin tone. You smiled as you saw him take you all in and his bright green eyes go dark with lust. "You look..."He drifted off as he started reaching for you and you giggled and step back. " Just have to catch me first . " You teased before turning and running to the pool taking a deep breath you jumped in. You came up grasping for air the cool water attempting to cool off your over heated skin. However, you figure there was only one thing that could do that. You heard a splash behind you and you quickly turn but didn't see Dean. You began to walk backwards knowing you were being hunted by the best hunter out there. Suddenly hands grasp your ankles and let out a startled yelp as they moved up your legs and the Dean came busting out of the water. He was wrapping one strong arm around your waist pulling you closer. HIs mouth found yours in a heated kiss. He growled as you ran your and down his chest and his stomach. You felt his need as your hand traveled lower and suddenly he was yanking you even closer pressing his body toward you and not breaking the kiss he started grinding his hips into your. You couldn't help the moan that escape your lips.." good thing we are alone " he murmured as he kiss down your neck. But no sooner did you say that then you heard the door open and the sound of people laughing and talking. Both of you let go attempting to catch your breath. You gave him a look as a family of 4 came in. He shrugged " you started it " he replied with a smirk " how you asked " by wearing that " he said as he gave you wink before diving under the water.

Despite the interruption you managed to enjoy your swim. You swam for about an hour. Dean climbed out and flopped down on one of the chairs and pulled out a beer watching you swim. You could feel his eyes on you and it was slowly getting to you. After about an hour you climbed out wrapping a towel around you and grabbing your own beer before crashing down on the chair next to Dean. Taking a little sip of your beer you leaned back and closed your eyes with a sigh. " Comfortable?" You looked over at Dean and grin " yeah it nice to take a break and not need to think" you said" we should do this more often" you said and he laugh taking a swing of beer. You guys fell into a comfortable silence you let your eyes fall close and let your mind wander a little. You must have dozed off for a little because when you came around again everything was quiet and you looked around realizing once again you were completely alone in the pool area. You glanced over at Dean who was asleep next to you. You grinned and stood up dropping the towel and walked over to his chair and slowly crawled onto his lap where you were straddling him. Right away his hands went to your hips a smile appearing on his face eyes still closed. You leaned down and lightly pressed your lips to his. As you began to pull away his hand, came up around the back of your neck and pulled you back down for a much longer and deeper kiss. You open up to him right away letting one hand slid through his hair. The other one running down his shoulder along his chest and stomach. He groaned into your mouth and wraps an arm around you and pulled you closer. You wiggled a little on his lap and his kiss became rougher and his hold on you tighter. " We may need to take this somewhere more private I hate to get interrupted again," you said softly in between kisses. He moaned and then sigh.." Yeah I guess you're right I don't want us to get kicked out or arrested "he said and you giggled. "How much do you think it would take to get Sam out of the room for a couple hours. " You said as you moved your mouth down kissing his jaw and down his neck. He groaned. " He won't have a choice", he said." Come on " he said pushing you back a little and you slid off his lap and started gathering the stuff and headed back to the hotel room with Dean whispering what he wanted to with you in your ear.

Much to your relief the room was empty when you got back there was a note on the bed from Sam who said he has gone into town to get grab some food. Dean grinned as he read the note putting it down he walked over and locked the door and turn towards you. " Now where were we?" he said and you couldn't help but giggle as he pulled you down onto the bed with him on top.

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