Imagine taking care of Cas when he is sick

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As an Angel Castile never got sick. But now that he no longer has his grace and is pretty much human Cas now can get sick.

you were stretched out as best as you could in the backseat of the impala on the way to the bunker after a really long hunt. Everyone was tried and it was a quite ride. you turned to look at Cas who you were leaning against his one arm wrap around your waist he had leaned his head back against the seat and his eyes were closed his lip were slightly parted and his breathing was slow and steady. you smiled the whole human thing wore him out most days. you snuggled up to him and doze yourself until you got back got back to the bunker.

"come on everyone out "Dean announced when he pulled the car to a stop. you jerked away and glanced over at cas who was still asleep. you nudge him . Hey cas come on let go to bed " you said he groan and open his eyes. " ok" he said followed you out of the car but as soon as he stood up he had to leaned up against the car "Are you ok cas?" Dean asked you looked at him he was sweating you reached up and touch his forehead " he got a fever." you told Dean cas looked at you confused.." your sick " you explained " I don't get sick " he said closing his eyes and swaying " you went and wrap an around his waist to support him and dean did the same on the other side." you didn't when you were an Angel but your a human now " you said. Between you and Dean you got the near out of former Angel back into the room he shared with you. Just lay him down and I will take care of him" you said. Dean nodded " good luck " he said and left closing the door behind him. " you went and gather the medicine he need and then went back to the bed room. he hadn't move from his spot on the bed. "Come Cas we need to get you into clothes that are more cooler. you tugged on his hand and he finally sat up " why do I feel so bad ?" he asked " that what happens when humans get sick we feel bad but we take medicine and then we get better. " you said and he stood up and slowly took off his coat and then his suit coat and tie. " I don't like this part of being human " he said as walked into the bathroom to get him a glass of water and let him change.

You walked back into the room he was sitting down on the bed and you gave him the medicine and water. He eyed and but took it.. "Go ahead and lay down and your feel better " you said and he crawl into bed settle underneath the covers with a sigh eyes slowly closing. you stretched out next to him rolling over to face him "What do you like about being human " you asked him. he smile with his eyes closed " some food , PPJ for example.." he said and you laughed. he opened his eyes and his hand found yours and took a hold of it ." being able to this with you " " I like that too " you told him " I also like to do this " he said as he rolled over on his side bringing him closer and he wrap his arm around you and pressing a light kiss on your lips. warmth spreading though your insides like it always did when he did that. The kiss was light at first but then it he deepen it. you groan as he quickly pulled away but kept his arm around you . " you are way to good at that for just a beginner " you said he smiled as his eyes fell shut again and he yawn. " if you get sick I want to take care of you " he said groggily as he begin to drift off and then slowly begin to snore . you smiled and reached forward and brush some hair out of his face and lean down and kissed him softly .." I would like that too.


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