Imagine Cas getting Jealous when you dance with another guy

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You were just finishing getting ready to go out to a bar with Sam and Dean when you heard The boys talking to who you assumed was Cas because he was the only one who dropped in at the bunker . You smiled as you looked yourself over in the mirror. You had to admit that you clean up pretty nicely . Maybe someone would finally take notice tonight. You were wearing you best and tightest blue jeans that hug you in all the right places and a black sheer blouse with a white tank top underneath . You had slipped on you knee high boots and fixed you hair and make up and you were ready to go . You walked out to meet the guys and you guys were right Cas was standing there with them talking to them. " hey Cas are you coming out with us tonight " you asked him as all three turn towards you . You grinned as all three pair off eyes roamed up and down your body. You put your hands on your hips "like what you see boys ?"You asked and they all looked away Dean grinned looking to get lucky tonight aren't we ? He asked. You glanced over at Cas who was glaring at Dean ."I don't know maybe if the right offer comes along" you said Cas looked at you for a split second his eyes darkens with some thing you couldn't place before he looked away " I will meet you there " he said and disappeared. " what was that about "Sam asked . You shrugged "angel mood swing ?"You replied Dean laughed " Come on let's go " he said.

The bar was loud and packed . The dance floor was already packed . You were in a dancing mood and this was just how you liked it. You turned to the guys " I Will see you later " you said and headed and headed into the crowd. You easily let yourself get lost in the flow of the song and the people around you . It was nice just to cut loose for once and not worry about having to hunt something down or have something hunting you . After about dancing for about 30 minutes you made your way to the bar for a drink. Dean was leaning against the bar with a beer in hand talking with Cas who you were surprise did actually show up " Hey boys having fun?" you asked sliding up beside Cas He handed you a beer "Thanks " you said giving him a wink. " you having fun?" he asked " yeah it nice just to relax for a change " you told him . This dancing Relaxes you" ? He asked "When I am in the mood for it " you replied. A slow song came on and everyone started coupling up . Dean leaned over and said something to Cas in his ear But before you could ask a good looking guy walked up to you and asked you to dance You took his hand and let him lead you out on to the dance floor. He pulled you into his arm

It was nice but what would have been if you had been actually dancing with Cas . You even wonder if he even cared . Maybe the feelings were just all one sided . "what got you so sad beautiful you should be having fun" the guy you were dancing with lean in to talkin your ear. His hand on your hips tighten a little "Why dont we get out of here so we can get to know each other a little better ..he moved his mouth towards yours and you step back when you did you found yourself back into another solid chest arm went around you . You looked up and saw it was Cas . "Cas"? You asked he didnt say anything just glared at the man and tighten his hold on you. And next thing you knew you were back at the bunker in your room before you had a chance to react to that fact Cas who still had you in his pushed you back against your closed bedroom door and his mouth was on yours before you could react. But after the moment of shock ran it course instinct took over and you wrap your arms around his neck pressing your body against his ..You heard him groan as he deepen the kiss.. After a minute his mouth moved down to your neck while one hand wander up under your shirt. If he hadn't been holding you up against the door you would have dropped to the floor by now your legs would have not supported you . He nip at your ear and whisper " mine I want you to be mine " he said breathless.. "dont want to see you dancing with any other guys " he said again biting your ear again a little harder this time and you gasp grapping onto his shoulder. "Say it " he said you groan " I am yours " you managed to get out breathless and with those words he yanked you off the door and pulled you towards your bed . After that you never dance with any other guys again.

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