imagine taking care of Cas when he hurt

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A/N:   this has a lot of  fluff but dose contain some smut .. just fair warning.  But I hope you like it  !!!

      You were getting ready for bed when you heard the boys yelling for you and it sounded urgent . You threw open the door to your room and jogged down the hallway to the main area of the bunker . Coming to a sudden stop when you saw both Sam and Dean Holding up a almost unconscious Cas . Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach." What the help happen" you asked walking over to them. " not sure he just dropped in and passed out. " Sam said. "Cas can you hear me " you touch his face and he groan but that was the only sign of life you got out of him. " alright take him to my room " you said " yours " Dean asked giving you a look " yes I am going to be the one taking care of him so it more comfortable for both of us there " you said . " alright " Dean grumbled and You watched as the guys dragged cars into your room and laid him on the bed . " let us know if you need anything " Sam replied You nodded and they left. You walked over to the bed and started checking for the damage. You removed his coat and shirt and tie he didn't even stir . You ignore the funny feelings in your stomach when you looked at his very fine chest and stomach for an angel he wasn't out of shape that was for sure. You had always had a thing for Cas but never acted upon it because talk about Being out of your league He was an angle for goodness sakes .

So you pushed out any inappropriate thoughts of what you like to do to Cas or have Cas do to you . You concentrated on healing the open cuts that were all over him . Mostly likely from an angle blade and it made you angry to think someone hurting Cas like this his own brothers . You went and got the first aid kit and a warm wash cloth and start cleaning up all the blood. Some time during the process he started to come around. He groan and rolled his head side to side. "Hey Cas can you hear me " you asked leaning over him. He groan and his eyes fluttery opened. Blue eyes met yours and you felt your heart skipped beat "y/n what are you doing here" he asked voice filled with pain. " your here in the bunker you dropped in on the guys and they asked me to help you " What happen " you asked " uh. I not really sure.. I got a message to met one of my brothers and when I came there was more than one and they attack.. " he said closing his eyes as he shifted and groan in pain. "Well just relax your safe and I am taking care of you " you replied suddenly he grab your hand you met his gaze "thanks.. You don't have to do this " he said you smile.. "What are friends for ?" you asked he started at you for a moment like he was trying to decided something but finally nodded and said "yes friends you plaster a smile that you didn't feel right  on your face and continued to treat his wounds . Finally it was done and you had him settled . " I should be able to heal myself now " he said but he was struggling to keep his eyes open. " why don't you rest first " you said curling up next to him on the bed and without thinking you leaned and bush some hair out of his eyes and kept going running your fingers though his hair. His eyes slid shut and you heard a low moan coming from him " Are you in a lot of pain" you asked " no..i am fine.." he said "ok just go to sleep and I will be here for you if you need me " you said softly continuing to play in his hair . He reached up and grab your hand and placed it on  his chest where his heart was laying a hand over yours  and sigh.. After a few minutes his breathing slowed and you started hearing soft snoring. You smiled and keeping your hand where it was feeling his heart beating underneath your touch you shifted and feel asleep right beside him

You woke up to the feeling of someone staring at you and forced you eyes opened and found a beautiful pair of blue eyes staring at you from the pillow next to you. He was wide awake and just staring at you .." you are so beautiful " he said and your eyes widen at these words "Really ?" you asked he nodded lifting himself on his elbow to stared down at you. " really why do you doubt my words " he asked as one hand came down to brush to lightly against your cheek. The simple touch had your heart racing and so many urges fill you . But you stay perfectly still. "because your Angel who has lived a long time and see many beautiful things how can I compare" you said plainly and blinking tears out of you eyes " oh I can show you and I want to show .. " he said scooting closer as his hand landed on your stomach his fingers slipping underneath you shirt to tease your soft flesh.. And you gasp at the little touch and you saw the way his eyes darken with want and lust and he was looking at you. " how " you asked rolling on to your back now keeping eye contact with him . He didn't answer but leaned down until his lips were pressed up against you for a brief second you felt like you were flying ..Then he change the mood of the kiss deepen it until it was full of need and want here and now.. His toung slip into your mouth with no effort at all and you moaned reaching out to touch his body ..He was still not wearing a shirt and your hands met flesh and hard muscles . Oh of all things holy " you though as knot begin to form in the pit of your stomach. The hand that had been resting on your stomach fully slip underneath your shirt reaching up and gently squeezed one breast before doing the same to the other .. You arch your back and closed your eyes his name came on a moan.. " you like this .. " he asked softly in your ear." oh yes " you said and groan loudly as he gentle nipped your ear and pinching you at the same time. You didn't know where he had lean all this but right now you couldn't be more thankful. Finally he shifted to where he was sitting up and he removed his hands and you almost cried.. "sit up "he said and you did as he said and he tugged your shirt off followed by you shorts and panties. He gentle pushed you back down and shifted where he was straddling you it was only then you noticed he had removed the rest of his clothes he leaned forward hands placed on each side of your head as he shifted his hips to meet yours he rub up against you and you wiggled underneath starting up at him his gaze filled full of lust " I am going to show you how beautiful you are to me " he said as he take one of your legs and lifted to where you wrap it around his waist and then the other.. Before he starts to rub into you more and he captures your lips with his cutting off a louder than you normal would go moan. But the knot that had been in the pit of your stomach was a ball fire now and slowly growing. In between kisses he whispered your name and without any waiting he slam into you making you grasp you shoulder digging your nails into him It was his turn to moan you name as he continued to rock into you. His pace was getting faster and faster and you tighten your legs around him as you felt yourself abut to fall over the edge. He grunted as he got harder and faster and finally stiffen up and you felt himself go and that cause the fire inside you to exploded and you cried out as you fell over...he collapsed on you breathing heavily. You wrap your arms around him not minding the weight on top of you . After a minute he rolled off you and onto his side keeping his arms around you and he buried his face in your neck. " now do you believe me when I say you are beautiful " he said you grinned turning your head to look at him " I think I have a an idea now" you said and he kissed you softly and you let your eyes fall shut . You were about to fall back asleep when there was a knock on your door and Dean voice from the other side. " hey how is Cas " he asked and you giggled as you felt his hands start to roam down between your legs .." he good .. He uh..just resting " you replied. " oh ok " well breakfast is ready " he said o " ok be out there in a few " you said and you heard his footstep walked away . "So are you hungry " you asked and gasp as his fingers dipped into you and started rubbing and you about jolted off the bed.. " yes but not for food " he replied as he rolled on top of you capturing your mouth in a hungry kiss... Breakfast forgotten for the time being. 

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