Imagine getting caught in the middle of Dean and Sam's agreement over Jack

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      You saw Jack sitting up against  the wall outside the main room.  You started to ask him what was going on when you  heard  the guys talking.

    From the sounds of it they were in the middle of an another argument.  " You deserved to be saved  he doesnt. " Dean yelled .  You glanced down at Jack  his shoulders were slumped  and he was looking down at the ground.

  You knew you better  get in there before they both said things that  they would regret later on. You step inside the room  "Guys please  can you just both calm down "  you said

  "You're not going to get anything done while  you're arguing" you pointed out.    " No  nothing is going to get done while Sam still insist on playing big brother to him "Dean snapped.

    " I am just trying to do the right thing " Sam snapped replied  "If you would just take a second to think about this.." he said .. Dean rolled his eyes  "  I don't need to think about this..  The kid or whatever  he is  .. Will only kill more people  if we dont do something. "

 "How is he different than what I was " Sam asked  "What makes me so special that I could be saved  but he can't "He asked Dean .  Dean just glared at his brother.  You felt this situation was getting out of hand.

    " Stop please " you finally cried out  stepping in between the two of them.   "  I am tried of this fighting.  "  You  are both right and you are both wrong  in the situation.  "

 "That not really helping " Dean stated  and you glared at him " Well it doesnt help  with you going around and snapping at everyone including Jack . " you said . " He didn't asked to be born  into this  .. "

 Dean narrowed his eyes  but you ignore him and turned to Sam  " I am just worried that your emotions are getting cloudy  with you past  " you said .  Sam looked away but didnt reply

  The room was thick with tension  that it was getting hard to breath.  " you two figure this out please  I am tried of  this  "  you said   and you turned and  left the room.

 Walking back into the hallway Jack was still sitting on  ground.  You gave him a warm smile " Hey  how about I introduce  you to a PPJ sandwich   and maybe  some Netflix  " you said as he stood up .


    He glanced at the open doorway  " Hey " you said "Dont worry about those two .. Brothers fight all the time it what family does  " you replied  . " That doesnt mean they  don't love each other . Just give them time "

    For a minute Jack didnt say  but then he nodded " I like to try a PPJ sandwich. " he said with a small smile.


     You pretty much avoid Sam and Dean the rest of the day  . You  understood these last couple days had been rough. Losing  their mother and Cas and to throw  the unknown of Jack into the mix  it was a lot for anyone.  Even Sam and Dean.

    But still  there was only so much tension and harsh words that you could take.   Sam was like a brother to you  and Dean well  your relationship had been strained since everything went down. It didnt look like it was going to get any better.

  You were alone in the kitchen fixing you a late night snack before finally going to bed.  Unsure if you would find Dean waiting for you or not. Lately he had been gone more than he been beside you at night.

 You  made yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table.  You looked up when you heard footsteps  coming down the hallway. Sam suddenly appeared in the doorway.   He looked so down  hands stuffed into his pockets shoulder slumped slightly.

    " I was hoping it was you " he said walking into the kitchen. You couldnt help  but smile  "I am sure  you were "  you replied  He sat down across from you. '

  " I guess it's kind of sucked for you all around these last couple days uh?" he said  .

"Well  when two people  I am the closest to  do nothing but fight and can't be in the same room without tension  yeah it kind of sucks  "  you replied  

 "I am sorry if I have put you in the middle  " Sam said  shaking his head " Why is this so important to you Sam ?" you asked  "  I see myself in Jack   " he replied   " I see a boy that is lost  and has something inside him that has the power to destroy everything"

 " I was lucky that I had people to help me.. Dean.. Bobby ..  And my dad in his own way . " Sam said looking down at his hands .  "But Jack he doesnt have anyone and like you said he didnt asked for this.  He didnt choose any of this  "

  You reached out and laid your hand over his. " I understand that I really do "  But you have to realize where Dean is coming from "  he just lost two people that he cares about "  You know  that he doesnt handle grief that well "  you said

    "it will take time for Dean to work things out in his head. " you said " In the meantime don't force  Dean to accept Jack because  it won't work.  "  Sam  gave you small smile   "Thanks " he said


    After your talk with Sam you  headed back to your bedroom  to finally lay down. You only sigh  more than a little disappointed when you  found the bed empty. But you closed the door and slip into bed and turned the light off  .

    You told yourself that you should take the advice  you gave Sam and  let Dean have his space and he would come around.  But that didnt mean the distance between the two of you hurt less.

  You dont know how long you laid there unable to sleep  when the door to the room slowly open.  You stay still keeping your breathing even as you waited .  The door closed again and you could hear  someone  walking towards the bed.

  You knew that it was Dean.  You felt him lift the covers and slid into the bed.  You were surprised  but half expected him to roll over and go to sleep.  But he didnt  instead he scooted closer to you

 " I know you're awake  " he said softly in your ear.  You sigh and rolled over to face him.  " can't sleep " you replied He reached out and brush some hair out of your face  .

    "Yeah I know and that would be my fault and I am sorry  " he replied  " I know I have been an ass " he admitted   you smiled softly.." well maybe  just a little " you said

  He chuckled softly as he leaned in and kissed you ." I am sorry " he murmured against your lips.  Your lips parted to let him deepen the kiss.  You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer.

  He  nudge you onto your back and rolled himself onto of you settling in between your legs.  " you're too good for me " he said as he started kissing  your neck working his way around your ear.

  " Always forgiving me " he said coming back up to kiss your mouth.  One hand working it's way underneath your shirt . " I love you " you said as your hips  lifted off the bed into his.

    This and your words  caused him to groan. "I need  you "  he said softly  as he pulls your shirt off  Your hands  automatically reaching for the button of his jeans.  He leaned back down mouth coming together  as he struggled to get out of his jeans  .

  " I am here " you told him looking up at him watching the emotions play across his face.  " I am not going anywhere  " you said again as you reached for him.  

    You knew that until all the question around Jack was answered that things  were still  up in the air and the guys wouldn't  be on the same page but  for now  in this room.

Everything was right in the world.

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