Imagine having to share a hotel room with the two Winchesters ...

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"it to late to be driving anymore "Dean was saying as he was pulling into the hotel parking lot . You sat in the back of his car with him and his younger brother Sam who was currently passed out in the passenger seat leaned against the window.

" Are we safe here ?" you asked glancing nervously out the window.. Dean turned in his seat to look at you . " We are when we get into the room we will salt the window and door and put warding all though the room. So nothing can get in " he said

" your safe with us I promise " he said meeting your gaze. You nodded believing his words. Even though you hadn't known the Winchesters for very long just long enough for them to save you from some sort of Demon attack. You could tell they were both good guys

"I will go get us a couple room wake up Sam " Dean said climbing out of the car. You sigh and shook Sam awake . He groan and came to .."What... where Dean? " he asked groggily as he looked around.

"To get us a couple room for the night he was about to fall asleep " you said . Sam nodded and not 10 minutes later Dean came back "Sorry they had only 1 room but it got two beds. so you can sleep with one us ..or we can get a roll away " he said

You climbed out of the car and stretch " It don't matter i can just share with one of you .. I am to tried to worry about anything else. Dean nodded and grab your bag as well as his and led you and Sam to the rooms.

Once inside you watched start protecting the room salting the windows and doors. "This will make us safe ?" you asked again. Sam nodded no Demon can get though these warding's we are putting up . " he said .

"Go take a shower and get ready for bed " Dean suggested . You gave them a smile and disapered into the room. You sigh behind the closed door and you could hear them both talking quietly..

You smile a little wondering who you would sleep with tonight there was a little part of you hoping it would be with Dean. Just cause of the way your heart fluttery when he smiled at you .

You pushed away your though and took a shower.. quickly so the guys could do what they had to do. You got out and changed clothes and left the bathroom.

"done bathroom free " you said walking out the cool air of the room hitting you and making you shiver. Dean turned when you came out you couldn't help but noticed the way his eyes traveled down your body

it made your heart flip flop. "What bed am I in ? " you asked Dean spoke up " you can..uh..mmm sleep with me " Dean said instead of looking at you begin to fumble though his duffle bag.

You looked at Sam who was grinning but shook his head as he climbed into bed. You walked around to the other side and got on your side of the bed slipping underneath the covers.

Dean disapered into the bathroom for and came out 15 minutes later fresh from his own shower. You rolled over on your side and try to sleep . You felt the bed dip as Dean slid in and then the lights went out .

You tried to calm your mind to keep the thoughts of what was happening out. You buried your face into your pillow and took a couple deep breaths.

" hey a warm hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your thoughts.. " yeah ?" you replied. " you ok ?" he asked softly.. you rolled over onto your back .." yeah my body is tried but mind wont stop going" you said .

He smiled " I know the feeling " he said and then you felt one of his hand underneath the covers and take a hold of yours.. " I am here " he said. "Thanks " you replied and let your eyes fall shut still holding his hand

You waited to see if he would remove it but after a few minutes he was snoring you figure it wasn't going anywhere.. So you sigh and tried to push everything out and sleep .

But that became near impossible when Sam started Snoring in the bed next to you . His was louder Than Dean and much more annoying ..well for being 2 in the morning. You sigh and tried your best to ignore it .

Not an easy thing to do but finally you managed to doze off until the nightmare took a hold of you . The demons surrounding you holding you down there intention were very clear and you try hard to escape the hands ..

You fought hard but someone calling your name and warm arms around had you coming too You looked up and saw you were in Dean's arms he was staring down at you worriedly and Sam was sitting up in his bed with the Sam expression.

"Are you ok ?" Dean asked " I was a dream.. demons.. " you said closing your eyes not wanting to remember .. " alright you don't have to talk about it but your safe remember." Dean said not letting you go

you smiled and laid your head down on his chest his arms relaxed around you.. and the light went off.. Then a though hit you before any of you could drift back off..

" Oh and Sam?" "Yeah ?" came his replied. " you might want to try another pillow or something you were getting really loud over there.. " you said giggling .. causing Dean to start laughing ..

You saw Sam sit with a confuse look on his face . " I don't snore do I ?" he asked you grinned at him " Like a chainsaw " you replied causing Dean to crack up even more with resulted in Sam hitting him with a pillow.

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