Imagine Dean letting you drive his car

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You checked your phone it was past midnight. You looked out the window of the car currently you were in the middle of no where stretch of highway . You looked over to Dean who you could tell was struggling to stay awake . He had been driving for 12 hours straight because he was too hard headed to let you drive.

"Seriously Dean you either need to pull over or let me drive so you can sleep for at least a few hours ." you said He glanced over at you " I am good " and just as he said that he let out a huge yawn. You rolled your eyes "yeah right ." you mummer

"look you keep going like this and we will never make it to Sam your going to crash the car and then where will we be. ?" you asked him.

You slid closer to him rubbing the back of his neck a little before he kissed it lightly he leaned back into your touch and you heard him sigh. "Fine " he replied as he pulled the car over before turning to you and wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you closer bringing his mouth to yours . You let your fingers run though his hair knowing that was one way to help him relax.

Breaking the kiss "just becareful " he said as he climbed out of the car and walked around to the other side. You held back a grin as you slid into the driver seat. He climbed into the front seat next to you.

"Won't you be more comfortable in the back ?" you asked . "No I am good " he said as he leaned back into the seat leaning his head back against the seat arms folded across his chest. You didnt argue you just pulled the car back onto the road.

A couple hours later you check your phone almost 3am . You check the text that Sam had sent earlier from the motel he was waiting for you guys at so you can help with a case he found while visiting a friend. He had got you and Dean a room and told you he left it unlocked he gave the room number. You put your phone down and realize you were only a couple miles away You sigh in relife .

You looked over in the passenger seat where Dean was sleeping peacefully . He was leaning back in the seat head up against the seat you could hear him snoring softly . You sigh and yawn despite the nap you took earlier you were now tried and wanted nothing but a bed. You reached over and shook him " hey we are almost there " you said .

He grunted and sat up rubbing a hand over his face. " how long was a I asleep ?' he asked " about three hours " you replied. " not enough " he said leaning back in the seat. " I know but we are almost there " you said yawning again. " Are you ok " he asked reaching out and taking your hand into his .

"Will be as soon as I get to a bed " you replied he chuckled but kept a hold of your hand until you pulled into the parking lot of the motel.

Once you pulled into a spot in front of the room .You guys climbed out of the car and grab your bags before heading to the room. Once inside you dropped your bag and flopped face first on the bed. You heard Dean Chuckled right before you felt his hands on yours back .

"Come on baby let's take a shower and then we can go to bed " he said softly in your ear . He help you to your feet and pulled you towards the bathroom. .You showered together sharing sleepily kisses until you finally got out drying off and changing into pajamas

You climbed into bed you rolled onto your side he pulled you into his arms your back pressed against his chest. His arms wrap arms around your middle. You sigh and let your eyes slide close you felt his lips press against the back of your neck .

" I will kill Sam if comes overs or calls any earlier than noon " you mummer Dean chuckled " I will help you " he said . And you grinned . After that it didnt take you long to fall into a deep sleep .

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