Imagine telling Sam that your pregnant

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You heard Sams alarm clock go off for about 2 seconds before he was reaching over and shutting it off. Because you didnt have the energy to move you stay curled up in your ball on your side.

Sam leaned over and kissed you softly on your neck. " mmm to early" you mumbled sleepily go back to sleep Dean wants to get on the road early" he said rubbing your back.

" I should come " you said yawning rolling over onto your back. Sam chuckled and brushed some hair out of your face No you stay and get over this bug or whatever this is" he said we won't be gone very long he said.

Your eyes were already falling shut and you were already halfway asleep by the time he was slipping out of the door


It was much later in the day when you woke up but it was with a headache and upset stomach like you had been doing every day for the past two or three weeks.

You rolled out of bed hoping to make it to the bathroom before getting sick. Luckily you made it to the bathroom. Reaching under the sink you pulled out the test that you had hidden there last night. Before going to bed.

You stared at the box in your hand your heart pounding hard in your chest. You bet your lip and open the box. Might as well get it over with even though you had a feeling you already knew the outcome.

5 of the longest minutes later you look down at the test and that when you felt your world start spinning. Walking back in the bedroom you sat down on the bed still staring at the positive test in your hand.

Panic should be setting in but you didnt feel it. Amazement filled you as you thought of yours and Sam's baby inside you. A smile crept on your face and you settle a hand over your still flat stomach.

You could already imagine a little boy with his daddy eye's or smile. Or a little girl that would have both her daddy and uncle wrapped around her little finger. Oh, you couldnt wait.

But first thing first was how were you going to tell Sam


The guys came home a couple days later. They were laughing over some joke as they came down the stairs. Your heart was pounding hard in your chest. You hope you could pull this off.

You met them in the front hall. Sam dropped his stuff on the ground and pulled you into his arms for kiss lifting you up where you wrap your legs around his waist.

" I missed you " you said as you rested your forehead against his. He smiled " missed you too " he said " it not so much sharing a room with Dean anymore when I have you he said earning a laugh from you a glare from Dean

You hopped down How are feeling?" Dean asked " Sammy here was a real mess wanting to call and check on you every 20 minutes " he said

" I am better you reassured both why don't you go sit down and I will bring you guys a beer and you can tell me all about this job ok " you said.

Dean grinned " I still think youre with the wrong brother " he said and you laughed as Sam pulled you to his side glaring at Dean.

"alright go on you guys I will be there in a second " you said hoping to avoid a fight between them " You watched them disapered before you hurried into the kitchen and got what you needed ready.

you grab the two beers that you had carefully decorated for each of them. One said number 1 Daddy and the one for Dean was Favorite Uncle. You were proud of them. They weren't too girly but they could be for either a boy or girl and it was clear what they were trying to say to.

You took a deep breath and grab the bottles and headed back to the boys. You heard the TV going. They were sitting on either end of the couch both had their legs stretched out in front of them on the coffee table.

" Here you guys go " you handed Sam his first them Dean and then you just stood watching them. At first, they just both went to take a sip. Dean looked up at you. "What?" he asked bottle almost to his lips

You sigh see anything different about your bottles?" you asked You turned your attention to Sam who was starting at his bottle not blinking

"Sam, are you ok?" you asked sitting down next to him he finally prided his eyes away from the bottle. "Are you?" he asked and you grinned " yeah I am pregnant I took the test while you were gone " you said

Suddenly you were in Sam 's arms his mouth was on yours. You were slightly aware of Dean saying something. But Sam was keeping to distracted

Finally breaking from the kiss Sam buried his face into your neck and held you close. " so, that why you been so sick huh?" Dean asked grinning from the other end of the couch.

" Yeah morning sickness sucks" you said Sam pulled back looking concern " But you are alright he asked you nodded " I am good " you reassured him.

" hey you not going to start getting some weird cravings are you like pickles and ice- cream." Dean asked wrinkling his nose. You and Sam laughed. " I will let you know you told him giggling


Later found you curled up in Sam's arms in bed one of his hands resting on your stomach. " do you think I am going to be a good dad?" he asked suddenly. You knew he was thinking of his own father.

You looked up at him" I think youre going to be the best daddy you said earning a grin from as he pulled you closer. His mouth coming down on yours. When you finally pulled apart you started giggling.

What is it?" he asked " I can't wait to see Dean try to change a diaper. " you said and Sam busted out laughing at the imagine

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