Imagine Cas getting hurt when protecting you from getting hurt on a hunt

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"We should be going "Dean said as he threw his bag into the back of the car. You nodded and did the same with your bags. Cas watched from the side as you and the boys packed up for another hunt . You could feel his eyes on you as you moved back and forth.

You knew he wasnt happy with you going on this hunt. This Demon wasn't a normal every day your run of a mill demon . It was powerful more powerful than you were use to . But you and the boys decided that it had to be stop from hurting anymore people.

Once you were done you gave the boys a look they nodded and climbed into the car and you walked over to Cas and grab him by his tie and pull him back into the hotel room.

Once the door of the room was closed using his tie you tugged him closer to you until your lips were on his. Your toung sliding along his bottom lip seeking permission to enter. You didnt have to wait long as he open up to you right away.

His hands grip at your hips and pulled them to his so you could feel his reaction to you as the kiss deepen. You let both hands run though his hair.. Before you trailed off the kiss and looking at him in the eyes.

" I know your worried and I promise you that I will be becareful " you told him . His gaze soften at your words. As he reached up and up and brush some hair out of your face letting his finger linger down your cheek.

" I just dont want to see you hurt " he said You smiled " I know " you said " I wont be doing this alone I will have Sam and Dean with me " you said.. Then grinned when an idea hit you ,

You again tugged on his tie bringing his face close to yours . Your lips brushing up against his. "How about after I take care of this Demon then it can just be you and me.. All alone somewhere"

You ran your hands along his chest and down his stomach . His eyes widen and then took a darker look as a smile appeared on his face. "Deal " he said bringing you in for a rough heated kiss.


You watched in horror as the door that separated you and Dean and Sam slam shut . You tried to open and it wouldnt open. "Crap you said looking around the room you were in. There was no windows the only escape was the door that was locked.

Suddenly you were thrown up against the wall and pinned there.. You couldnt move. The door open and a tall man dressed in all black walked in and the door shut behind in

"So you though you were going to kill me ?" really ?" he said laughing walking up to you .

A knife suddenly appeared in his hand. He lifted it up to your throat.

You just glared at him " I wouldnt feel to bad a lot more skilled hunters have tried and failed to kill me before so " he said as he pressed the knife harder into your skin and you could feel the skin breaking just a little and a little blood trailing down your throat.

"Sam , Dean " you said and he grinned and he leaned forward his mouth inches above yours "Dead " he said softly .. Your body shook with the emotions your try not to show.

He trailed the tip of the knife down your throat to your chest . "mm mm I am just wondering if I should take advantage of this lovely body before killing you .." he said with a twisted grin.

"Cas " was the only thing on your mind " I need you " that was sent out in a prayer hoping he wouldnt be to late.

The Demon ' s hand found it way under your shirt and with just a little tug your bra was gone.. You bit your toung to keep from crying out at the unwanted touch.. You shut your eyes..

Suddenly you heard the familiar sound of wings and the Demon cursed. You eyes snapped opened to see Cas standing in the room angle blade in one hand in a attack position. His normally beautiful peaceful blue eyes were now snapping with blue fire..

He didnt look at you as he went in for the attack but the Demon avoided the attack and then Cas was thrown against the wall he crumbled to the ground ..

"Cas " you cried out struggling to get to him. The Demon turned to you knife back in his hand.. He raised it as to strike it into you . Behind him you saw Cas stand to his feet and then he was rushing forward

The Demon turn at the last minute and you watch in horror as the demon's knife went into Cas and Cas's blade went into the demon . The light that filled the room made you closed your eyes.

"Cas "Cas " you open your eyes and saw two bodies on the floor once you realize that you could move you were over pushing the body of the demon out of the way to get to Cas .

"Cas please be alive " you said tears falling .. He was laying now on his back eyes closed but you could see the steady rise and fall of his chest you look and saw the knife had gone into his side.

Touching his face "Cas can you hear me " you said . He groan but didnt wake .. "Y/n" you looked up and saw with relife dean and Sam come stumbling in with cut and bruise but alive.

" Thank god guys " you said " I though you were dead " you said .. Dean Smirk "will take more than a demon to kill us " he said.

"Is he ok ?" Sam asked coming to bend down next to you " I dont know the demon had me pinned and he came and then before I knew they both stabbed each other " you explained

"Well he alive lets get him some where safe to rest up " Sam said and you nodded


A couple hours later you guys were checked into adjourning rooms at a motel and Sam was finishing stitching up a still unconscious Cas. You sat on the other side of the bed holding his hand ..

Dean came up beside you "Why dont you go take a shower .. You might feel better " he said softly .. "He was hurt because of me" you said looking up at him with tears in your eyes

Dean pulled you to your feet and into his arms you buried your face into his chest and cried. "he going to be ok " he said softly as he held you . You took comfort in his words.

" Dean would please take your hands off her butt "Cas deep rough voices pulled you apart. You turned away from Dean who just chuckled

Cas was awake frowning at Dean you sat back on the bed " Oh thank god your alright I was so worried " you said .Cas took your hand into his and squeezing it. His face relaxing into a soft smile when he looked at you

"I wasn't going to let him hurt you " he said You leaned down and kissed him softly .. When you tried to pull back his hand on the back of your neck brought you right back to a deeper kiss.

You were somewhat aware of the door between the two room's closing. He started to pulled you down on top of him .. But you stop and pulled back ..

"Your hurt " you told him "This is nothing my grace is healing it as we speak.." he said sitting up dragging you into his lap ..

"Now you were saying something about you and me and some alone time " he said as he nip at your bottom your lip sucking on it . You closed your eyes allowing him totally control .. Alone time sounds real good right now.

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