Imagine Sam coming to your room after having a nightmare

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"Well I dont know about you guys but I am heading to bed " Dean announced as soon as you guys got back to the bunker . "Night " both you and Sam called out as he disapered down the hallway too his room.

You turned to Sam who had been quite for most of the trip back to the bunker. "Are you ok?" you asked him . He nodded and gave you a smile but you could tell it was forced .. " I am ok just tried too I guess " he said

"Well then go to bed silly " you said grinning giving him a soft push towards his room "What about all the gear ?" he asked .. " I can take care of it " you replied " you go get some sleep " you said.

This time his smile was real as he pulled you into a hug . You love Sam's hugs.. You love everything about Sam.. You just were to scared to say anything to him.. This hug last just a tad longer as he buried his face in your neck and he tighten his arms around your just a little before pulling away

" Night " he said softly.. "Night Sam " you said and watched him go your heart longing to go and comfort him . But instead you head off to your own lonely bed for the night.


it took you about another hour a nice hot shower but you finally were able to craw into bed and you sigh in relife . You rolled on your stomach and buried your face into the pillow allowing yourself to finally to relax

You were about half asleep when your door that was crack open started opening all the way.. You rolled over sleepily and saw Sam's tall figure in the door " y/n" he said softly..

"Yeah what up?" you asked as you said sitting up pushing some of your hair out of your face. He walked into the room closing the door behind him " can I crash in here with you.. " he asked.. " I .. Had nightmare.. And it kind of got me on edge right now " he said

" yeah of course " you said as you slid over to make room for him . He slid underneath the covers and rolled onto his side facing you .. "Thanks and I am sorry for waking you" he said .. You snuggled underneath the covers

" No it ok I don't mind.. Do you want to talk about the dream ?" you asked he sigh.. " it not the first nightmare.. I have been having them every night for weeks now.. " he said .. That what been brothering you " you said

"Why haven't you said anything to me or Dean ?" you asked " you know how Dean is he will just make some sort of joke out of it .. Cause he don't know how to handle crap when it come to emotions." he said

" but you could come to me" you said without really thinking you wiggled yourself closer to Sam and found his hand underneath the covers " you will always have me " you said taking a chance.. Your heart racing hard.

You heard him draw in a breath his fingers intertwined with yours and squeezed . " I know it just that the dreams were about you.. I couldnt save you.. Time after time I had to watch you die ." he said . Even in the dark you could see how upset this made him in the dark you could see how upset this made him

" I am fine " you said with your other hand you reached out and touched his check " you can relax and sleep " you told him he turned his head slightly and his lips brush against your palm. Your heart fluttered in your chest.

His gaze met yours and for a second all you could here was your own heart beat. ..then before you realized it his mouth was on yours.. Your mouth gave away to his as you melted against him .

" I dream about this as well.. " he mummer in between kisses. " You in my arms wanting me as much as I want you .. " he said as he pulled back a little to looked at you ..

to answer the question in his eyes you leaned forward and kissed him softly nipping at his bottom lip..

" there is never been a issues with me wanting you Sam. He groaned and crushed his mouth to yours

This was heated and deep and spoke words that couldnt be spoken as you pulled apart he pulled you into his chest and you sigh.. "so do you think that you can sleep now?" you asked him

you felt him chuckle and his arms tighten around you as he pressed a kisses to the top of your head. " yeah I don't think I will have a problem " he said you sight and closed your eyes "Good you said

and it was it didnt take either one of you long to fall asleep content in the other's arms.

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