Imagine confessing your feeling about Sam to castiel

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" I could sleep for a week " Sam said with a yawn as you guys walked back into the bunker after a particular long hunt. " you and me both " Dean said as they both dropped there duffle bags. " Go on I will take care of everything here " you told them. " you sure you have to be just as wore out " Sam asked you smiled and gently pushed him towards the bedroom. " I am ok .. I will get some rest but I just want to take care of this " you told him . He returned you smile and nodded and turned back towards his room. When you were alone you sigh. . you were tried but you mind was to busy to let you settled just yet.

You changed into some comfortable clothes and then headed back out to the main living area to clean up a little . you put up books and papers that the guys had been going thought while researching for this last case. You were so lost in though that you didn't heart the fluttering of wings behind you. So when you turned and Castiel was standing right there you clamped your hand over your mouth to keep from screaming. You heart about jumping out of your chest. " Gezz Cas .. thanks for warning me " you said.." I am sorry Y/N I didn't mean to scare you I was just stopping by to see how you were doing ?" he replied .. " I am fine .. but why you asking ?" you asked him as you continued to clean up. Castiel just watch you . " Sam prayed for you tonight " he replied making you stop short and stare at the angel . " he prayed for me ?"you repeated. Castiel nodded "he seemed quite worried for you and just wanted to make sure you ok ?' he said walking up to you " And you are ok then?' he asked " I am ok... just tried.. you sigh and sat on the edge of the table looking at castiel. "but there is something else I can tell " he said " I guess you can say that but if tell you .. you cant say anything to anyone " you said he nodded " of course " he replied you sigh " it about Sam " you said ...he nodded .."about your feelings for him "he said.. you stared at him wide eyed. "how did you know "? you asked " am I that obvious ?" you asked " not to him I don't think he realize it " castile replied. you sigh... " I want to tell him how I feel but I am afraid that if he doesn't feel the same way it would just ruin our friendship " you said. "Do you love him ?" Castile asked "because if you do that is alright can be scary from what i have been told but it can also be a wonderful thing " how do you tell someone you have known for years that you love him.. that he is all you think about all the time at night , during the day and when your not with him you feel like a piece of you is missing that he carrying a piece of your heart with him without even knowing it." you said with a sigh feeling tears well up in your eyes. you looked down trying to regain some composure. " how do I tell him that ?" you asked looking up at cas who was just smiling at you.. " I think you just did " he replied you frown confused to what he meant. He raised his eyes to look at something being you .. you turned to look and gasp at Sam standing in the doorway just staring at you . Your heart took a completed nose dive into the pit of your stomach. You froze not sure what to do next.. Had he heard everything.. why was he looking at you like that. He started forward not saying a word he walked over to you standing right in front of you.. you titled you head back slightly so you could look at him his expression unreadable.

Before you could take your next breath he was pulling you closer to him and his lips landed on yours . It felt like time had come to a stand still everything you had in you center around this moment and him nothing else matter. you slip into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck and he wrap his arms around your waist and lifted you up where you were slightly off the ground. All too soon it ended and he was setting you down on your feet but not letting you go. you knew that there was stupid grin on your face but you didn't care.. " did you really think that I didn't feel the same ?" I thought I was very obvious ?" he asked you laughed.. " did you really pray for me ?" you asked he laughed . then looked around at the cleaning you had been doing " this can wait till the morning " he said " you grinned " really " you asked he grinned and started pulling towards his bedroom you looked back with you heard the fluttering of wings and noticed castiel was gone. Having an angel to talk to was a very good thing .

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