Imagine Dean telling you he loves for the first time

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The first time he says it take you by complete surprise . Yo guys hadn't been together that long but you already knew that Dean wasn't one to share his feeling outright on his own.

You knew how you felt about him but you didnt want to pressure him into anything so you kept your feeling to yourself and show him how you felt though your actions witch he understood better anyways.

The first time he said "I love you " was in a quite moment after getting back to the bunker from a rough hunt.. You were both getting ready for bed . You had taken a shower to help calm the aching muscle in your back where you bad been thrown around .

You threw on a bathrobe before walking out of the bathroom and back to the room you and Dean shared. . He was sitting on the bed already in just a pair of lounging pants and no shirt. Playing with his phone.

"Leave any hot water for the rest of in the morning?" Dean said grinning as he looked up . You shut the door and went to put up your clothes " Maybe " you replied

" I do not want to even think about what I landed in when I got tossed by that sprit tonight ": you said turning around to face Dean.. "are you sure your ok ?" he asked

You nodded as you walked over to him to stand in between his legs. " I am good just sore ":you said Dean started grinning " then let me help you relax " he said .

he stood up bringing both of his hand up to your shoulders slowly pushing the robe off your shoulders. " Lay down " he said kissing you softly.. " You don't have to " you said

" I want to " he said " go on" he said . So you laid down on your stomach you sigh with relife of being able to relax for just a moment.. But then you felt Dean stiffen beside you

"Dean what is wrong?" you asked .. He was staring at your back .. You were wearing an old tank top that left most of your back bare . He blinked and looked at you

" you have a pretty bad buries on your back " he said sounding a little bit off .still staring at the bruise..

You could see the wheels turning in his head so you slowly sat up and scooted closer to him " Hey look at me " you said placing a hand on his cheek rubbing your thumb lightly over his bottom lip .

His eyes lifted up to meet yours and you saw the guilt. " I am ok ": this wasn't you fault .I am a hunter and as hunter I get cuts and buries all the time " you told him.

" I know " he said you smiled and leaned in pressing your lips against his " then good you know I am a big girl and I can take care of myself .. I may have a bruise but we burn those bones didnt we ?" you said

that earned smile from him " yeah we did " he said and suddenly he was pulling you into his lap arms around you . Lips were finding yours in a heat promised filled kiss.

He suddenly broke apart to look at you straight in the eyes " I think that what drives me crazy I know you can take care of yourself .. But the more I find myself falling in love you the more I want to protect you " he said

You went still in his arms at his words. He kept looking at you almost excepting you to leave now that he had admitted his feelings With tears in your eyes you leaned forward kissing him until you both needed to breath ..

" I Love you too and I will always need you no matter what " you told him

He grinned returning the kiss and dragging you back down on to the bed.

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