Chapter 6

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"You'll meet me, NO, you'll follow me to my room, I'll have someone go get your food for you, now come." He said with a Stern tone as if he was someone's father. I started to give him a piece of my mind, I've already been whoopped could it even get any worst, but I started thinking I didn't know this man, so I don't know  what he's capable of. So I did as told, and put one foot in front of the other, and followed him to his room which was all the way down the stairs and across the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd living rooms and up 4 sets of stairs, "four floors up, really T? You expect me to walk, with my ass like this?" "Hush Malaysia, we're taking the elevator with ya crybaby ass learn who to disrespect and it wouldn't be like that." I rolled my eyes secretly to my self, proud that I had dissed him on the low. He pressed the up button, We stepped on the elevator and no sooner as the doors closed I felt my hair being tugged I squinched because of the pain "you think I didn't see that shit, roll em again and I'll remove them." He groaned in my ear. I said nothing while still on the see-through elevator I could see every floor, all rooms on every floor, we stopped once we got to the fourth floor and the elevator was stationed in a living room, with all the works. I looked at him "Do you stay on this floor by your self?" "Yeah, this whole floor belongs to me, and if you act right, maybe you." He said while licking his lips and coming closer to stand directly in front of me. I moved from around him and took a sit on his couch "Okay, I'm hungry could ya tell whoever to bring me my food like now." "I see, I still have some work to do with the way of your words, you talk as if your giving orders and we both know who gives the orders don't we?" I Morley responded "yes sir." Just so he could send someone to get my food. "Good girl, Now good to the bed room while I get your food and walk slow so I can scan every part of you." I got up and slowly moved this would be easy considering my ass we literally stinging every move I made.

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