Lafayette x Reader

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(A/N) : This ties in with the Alexander x Reader, the most recent one, but ya don't end up with Hammy. I write another story just for him.

I'm back and better than evah baby! It's currently Christmas break for me so I'm trying to throw chapters out faster than you can scream Jefferson!

So last time I left off with you, the reader, to comment someone that you wanted to be the familiar face you saw.. And well, it was Lafayette! So let's get this show on a road!

My eyes widen and a huge smile spreads across my face. That familiar face..

"Lafayette!" I jump in excitement and wave, getting his attention as he approaches me.

(( Screw Google Translate right now, I'm just going to have him talk in all English. Kapeesh? ))

"Long time no see, (Y/N)!" Lafayette joyfully hugs him, as I return the hug.

(( This will slowly become a Lafayette x Reader tbh.. ))

"It really has been a long time, but I'm so glad to see you! How has your girlfriend been?"

His expression fades from his usual smile, he sighs. "She had to break up with me due to her being forced into an arranged marriage. This happened about 4 years ago. As long as she is happy.. I'm happy."

"Lafayette.. That's very kind of you, I don't doubt that this has been difficult for you."

"It has been, but it's in the past now. Besides I have taken an interest in a certain-"

"Who?! Ahem.. sorry, you were saying?"

Lafayette chuckled, his voice, daaang. Tips on how to get a girl to fall in love with you, get her a Lafayette for Christmas. Actually you just lost her, looks like they are getting married..
sorry buddy!

"I'm afraid I will have to keep that a secret, (Y/N)." He heard someone call his name from across the ball. "Ah, someone is calling for me. I shall be back soon." He took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on top of my knuckles.

"Quite the charmer as always, Marquis."

"Beautiful as always, Miss (L/N). As I said, I shall be back." He stood back up and bowed before walking off to the voice that had called for him.

"Ah, so Miss (Y/N) has taken a love interest. Has she not?" I jump and turn to see Peggy, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Woah, woah.. it's nothing like that. We are just old friends. It's been many years since we have last seen each other in France." I smile, "Besides he still going through the pain of a break-up, that would just be wrong for me to decide to step into the picture when I have no reason to."

"That's not my point. If you put that aside for a second and think, do you have feelings for the Frenchy guy over there?" Peggy gave a thumbs up and walked off, possibly to join one of her sisters.

Maybe she's right. Alex has captured Eliza's heart, and she's head over heels for him. I could never take that happiness away from her.

And who said I couldn't like Lafayette?


I walk around the ball once more, observing the high class of riches and important people.

At last I see Lafayette again, but he is talking to Alexander. Yikes, I'm out!

Before I could get the chance to walk away I hear my name being called out, I flinch and turn back to see Lafayette waving me down.


"Y/N! Come over here! Y/N!"

I don't want to go over there. I stare blankly at Lafayette, somehow giving him a incorrect signal. He walks up to me, grasps my wrist and drags me over to where he and Alexander were.

Where are the sisters when you need them?

"Alright, so I understand you and Alex have already met, and he wants to introduce us although we already know each other."


"It's confusing, I understand that. Alex fire away!"

Alex clears his throat and grins mischievously. That's not good..

"Ahem, Miss (Y/N) (L/N) this is Lafayette.. " He recites Lafayette's full name. "And Lafayette, this is Miss (Y/N) (L/N)."

Lafayette, being the charmer that he is, gets down on a knee (He's not proposing, chill. Not literally though.) And takes my hand, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles and lingers there for a few short moments.

He stands back up, and I just have this huge grin on my face. "Well-"

"Hush Miss (L/N). He isn't done yet, Lafayette I shall leave you two be. Toodles! La la la la~" Alex then prances off but not before giving us a little wink wonk.

"That was.. interesting. I think that's the correct word?" I shake my head and turn back to Lafayette, well more of his lips pressing against mine.

My cheeks flush in surprise and it takes a moment for me to realize what just happened. I didn't hesitate for long as I returned the kiss.

I was no longer upset about Alexander, but I'm curious as to what just happened with the whole.. Alex being really weird thing.

We had both pulled away, only because oxygen is a thing and we needed to breath.

"Listen I'm sorry, that was a huge mistake.. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Lafayette don't be sorry, there's a reason I kissed back after all." I laughed slightly, he had looked a bit embarrassed now.

"So, what was this whole deal? Like I'm confused about what just happened.."

Lafayette seemed more than happy to explain. "Well before the ball, I had talked to Alexander. I explained how I really liked you a lot, and he decided to be my wing-man. I think that's what it's called, and he noticed you had gained feelings for him. He had felt bad, I on the other hand felt slightly jealous."

I smirk at what he said. "Jelly much?"

"Shush, I'm not finished yet." He chuckled and cupped my cheek, a big smile plastered on his face. "Alex and I were talking out a plan. Which didn't really go exactly how it was supposed to, but anyways. I still get the beautiful princess in the end!"

Before I could say anything Lafayette pulled me into a kiss, which was soon disturbed by Peggy walking by yelling.

"I ship it so freak-a-doodling much!"

We stare at her as she walks away and we just laugh hysterically.


"And so kids, that's how your father and I met." In front of Lafayette and I was our son and daughter. Happily smiling at the two of us, then coming over for a huge family hug.

"Now can you explain how we were made?" I heard my daughter say that and I looked a Lafayette with a terrified expression.

"Maybe another day sweetie." Lafayette said. Laffy coming in for the save yet again!

A/N: Ahh finally done! I really enjoyed writing this one although it took a few days to write a part of it each. I really want to thank you all for leaving those really sweet comments on my 'Merry Christmas' update. I believe I made the correct decision by telling you all a bit about myself. It was worth it because I felt better and so happy to receive that sort of thing. It really makes my day. Thank you all once again for the love and I hope you have a lovely day!

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