The Clock Unwinds (Michael Tyger)

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The Clock Unwinds

The specter of the jester

upon the circle of the yesteryear

spinning with every bright

and every dark clicking gear

let us give chase

at a fast memory pace

as we trace every breadcrumb

falling from the man in the moon's face

What will we find of yin and yang?

First the void and then creation

Will we hear the songs we sang

and with every beat become impatient?

Famished; these fowl

like fears devour

in the hour of our dour days

all the memories we laid

so we could retrace

yesterday's steps

with grace

Until the dark reality

allows one spark set free

as the clock unwinds

one more time

Then I can see

the jester is me

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now