If my roots didn't fruit (Ajay-Kumar)

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If my roots didn't fruit

The very substance of the ambitious

Is merely the shadow of a dream,

Spoke Guildenstern to Hamlet, prince of Denmark

But read I, heard I, listened I, thought I

If the world was barren of ambitions

Would the blue globe, brown specks be what it is

If the envy of blood and body ceased

Would historical legacies be peaceful

Or non-existent, forgotten, ignored,

Wouldn't virgin bodies rot in Earth's girth,

With no graves to guard necks from ravenpecks

Neither prayers nor rites to safeguard from hellbites.

If not for sexual desires,

of the firsts through to the lasts,

Would I be inquesting the very juice of desires?

I don't question it for I'm not worth it

But I doubt this philosophy

of ignoring reality

for a better realm.

Teach me learned folk,

preach me wise folk,

To whose feets ,

experience and wisdom is stuck as dust...


Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now