Ethereal Tears (MichaelTyger)

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Ethereal Tears

Some crazy light preponderance

assumed to outweigh evidence

and only based on circumstance

gives way to a great expense

For are we only the summation

of all our combined situations

Or are we rather an exaltation

of the depths of all creation?

Where in the heart of wisdom's bane

can society find the way to refrain

from momentary bouts insane

and grow beyond its childish games?

Shall we who inherited Frost and Poe

read the wall of ignorant rantings

We the sons and daughters of liberty;

reject knowledge for foolish antics?

Gaze not dear spirits far beyond

back to this world you once tread upon

For I fear our greatness is gone

and your ethereal tears would rain on

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now