Imitations are limitations (EutopiaXD)

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Imitations are limitations 

Fireworks blind us

From a star-lit sky

Blood pumping music

Make our tempers roar high

In the midst of chaos

The melodious songbirds sing,

But are muted

By the endless din.

Cars honk;

people stomp,

Frustrated with their tired lives.

On every bit of gossip, we chomp

but the voices of the poor we fail to hear

The bright lights of the world are limitations.

They are just imitations.

They blind us from our selfishness

and the true beauty of selflessness.

We have ruined much of nature,

and don't bother to help a neighbor.

I wanna help and give and serve

but without actions and no nerve

I'm just as bad as any other.

I fail to help my sister and brother.

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now