Language of Life! (FictionGoddess)

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 Language of Life!

The world has a funny way of talking with us,

It uses a language we'll never comprehend...

A language of the elements that life's made of,

One that can burn, drown, tear apart or mend....

They are lessons that help guide us,

To learn what it means to live...

To help us see what's precious,

How to forget and forgive...

But as life is not without its flaws,

So the language is not a saint.

For when you cross a line you can't uncross,

It will voice it's complaint...

And at the moment you begin to lose your guard,

From that which could burn you to cinders,

Lightning strikes and the heavens soak your heart,

To serve as your timely reminder...

Heed the message it tries to convey,

Take it as a warning,

Believe that there's a better way,

Than a path without life's blessing!

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin