Spoken Beats (Ajay-Kumar)

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Spoken Beats

When someone inhibits or stops me

And tall walls are built by ace builders,

So forms a personal vaulting pole

That are the spoken beats of my heart

Sometimes with essence translated well

But mostly without any meaning

Like unleashed hounds, unshepherded sheep,

Freed are the spoken beats of my heart

Sometimes with a feeling of a loss

Or packaged with a present of gain,

Sashays in smoothly, comes tip-toeing,

What else but the spoken beats of my heart

Sometimes as shallow as duck domains,

Other times as deep as the ocean,

Waddles about or dives in so deep,

The old salt- spoken beats of my heart

Sometimes as silent as King frog's pond,

Other times a rushin' like Ganga

But keeps flowing to the pole star sea

Riverine spoken beats of my heart...

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora