I Wish (MichaelTyger)

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I Wish

If I had a care to give

I would not live as other men

and if I knew how I should live

I'd wish I could live it over again

For light at once dreamed of me

as I in the light should somehow be

and gently took my wayward hand

and taught me how to be a man

The breezes of an ocean lost

Found that I was worth the cost

and dipped me deep so I could see

a greater type of humanity

Yet now I carry one deep pain

that I am a prisoner of this sight

For I can no longer live a life in vain

nor ignore the whole world's plight

I was happy once; ignorant and free

to be the joker and run away

Though it was never truly me

But sometimes I wish I could not see

Poem-A-Day Challenge Volume 2 - September 2017 ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now