My pack mingled with themselves as I sat back quietly and watched everyone. I wasn't much of a talker, so my pack was use to it by now. I've been unusually quiet, but I guess my pack hasn't noticed, so that's good. I just have to hide the pain radiating through my eyes and face when I'm around other people.

Slowly everybody finished their breakfast, dropped the plates in the sink and got ready for our departure to the Willow Creek pack. I stayed seated as one by one my pack members left. Once the last person finished I finally got up and was ready to leave. "Wait, Alpha!" right in front of me stood Ferrah.

We use to be best friends a long time ago, well like a month or two ago, but since I was so stressed nowadays I stopped talking to everyone when I didn't have to. "Yeah, you need something, furbear?" She smiled at her nickname I gave her when we were kids.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out soon?" I thought about it for a second, then I nodded my head. Ferrah smiled, then she threw herself in my arms. My arms tingled uncontrollably from the sudden contact, but I still held onto to her.

Every since I've started my dreams I haven't been able to touch any women without feeling a little discomfort.It was a hassle when I was trying to train my pack women, but I just had to endure the pain. As the days went on and I didn't have my mate, the tingling got worse and worse. Before it just use to sting, but now it's starting to actually burn and soon I probably won't be able to hide the pain from my pack.

I hid my pain from Ferrah, though. I had to. "See you later, Akai!" She let go of me, placed a kiss on my cheek, then she left.

I rubbed my face from the place that she kissed me. Of course my cheek was burning and it was even worse than my arms. I ran a hand through my wild hair, then I walked to my room to change, so I could change into some more presentable clothes when I meet Willow Creek's Alpha.

I quickly changed into a black suit and black dress shoes- my father always taught to be professional when meeting with more powerful packs. I did that every time, thinking maybe these bigger packs would take me seriously, but they never did. It was a big problem when you created another pack that hasn't at least been around for a hundred years and I was definitely having it hard. I always thought I could start up my own pack, but as everyday came and gone and I made no progress for my pack, I began to feel discouraged and ready to give up and go back to my dads pack. Now if I had my Luna, then my pack would become stronger more quickly, but we all knew that probably wasn't happening anytime soon.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I tied my tie around my neck. I sighed as my Beta screamed for me to come downstairs and told me everyone was ready. I quickly ran a hand through my hair to try to fix it, then I quickly went outside.


"Alpha Samuel is awaiting our arrival." I nodded my head in response, then I climbed into my black truck and started the car. I told everyone to leave.

After about 30 minutes of driving we arrived at the Willow Creek Pack. Me and my pack members were quickly escorted into the pack house. As soon as I walked in a delicious smell caught my nose. I stopped right in my tracks to get a good smell of the scent- it smelt like wood, strawberries, and vanilla. I know the combination sounds strange, but it really did smell good. "Come on, Alpha... Alpha Samuel is waiting for us." I quickly snapped out of my trance and started walking to the meeting room.

Everywhere I went I could smell that scent- some places it was more strong and in other places it was weaker. It helped calm me and my wolf down as I walked into the meeting room to speak with Alpha Samuel.

"Hello, Alpha Akai." He held out his hand for me to shake. I quickly took his hand and gave him a firm handshake. "Alpha Samuel."

Alpha Samuel pointed to the table, then we all proceeded to talk a sit. I placed my hands on the table, folded... to show I was strong and wasn't scared of Alpha Samuel's power over me. "What brings you to my pack?" I looked up at Alpha Samuel.

"I come seeking your help. Rouges have been threatening my pack recently and since my pack is so small I just want to make sure we have backup if the rouges do decide to ambush my pack or something." I exhaled a breath once I finally finished. I could tell Alpha Samuel was taking in the information and thinking whether or not to help my pack.

As we all sat there in silence, the smell got stronger, it's almost like the being that it belonged to was right outside of this room. The scent was so strong, I could barely think straight. My wolf was demanding we get up and find who the scent belonged to, but I held back. The willpower it took to do that was hard to hold onto.

I hadn't noticed I had threw my head back and was sniffing the air throughly until my Beta tapped my leg. I turned my head towards him and he pointed to Alpha Samuel, who now wore an irradiated face. I let out a cough to try to ease some of the awkwardness, but it was of no use.

"I don't think I can help you, Akai." He was using my name without Alpha before it; that was basically a way of saying 'I don't respect you as an Alpha' without having to say it. My anger was slowly building up when I noticed that. I stood up, getting ready to argue with Alpha Samuel for disrespecting me, but my Beta had caught on and was quick to hold me back.

"Alpha, don't start a fight. It's not worth it.. especially since we're in his territory." My Beta whispered into my ear. I let out a frustrated grunt, then I gave Alpha Samuel an angry glare.

"I think my pack and I should be leaving now, Samuel." Samuel didn't hide the shocked look on his face and I knew he was pissed, but did I care... no. My father always told me I'd make a great Alpha, since I didn't have any fears and over the time that I've had my Pack I've learned that to be true. I gave Samuel one last smirk before I walked out and my pack followed me.

As I came closer to the door the smell consumed me and had me weak to my knees. I thought it was my mate, but if it was, then she'd be able to smell me and she wouldn't be able to resist finding me, but right now wasn't the time to go out hunting her.

I let my pack leave out before me- it was the Alpha thing to do and I wanted to smell that scent for as long as I could. The longer I stayed the weaker I became, I just wanted to grab the scent, put it in a jar, and keep it so I could smell it for the rest of my life.

I licked my lips out of reflex, my mouth was watering for the scent. The way my body responded to the scent had me completely shocked and confused. It had to be my mate. I thought to myself. I stood by the door for a minute longer, then I slowly walked out of Willow Creeks pack house and drove away.

Hopefully I won't ever have to see Samuel again. I thought to myself as I drove away. But I would come back if that meant being able to smell that fragrance again. I also thought as a grin spread across my face. I could feel my wolf whining, wanting to go back and capture that scent, but I held him back.

I sighed as I finally tamed my wolf and kinda got the thought of that scent out of my head.. for now.

Dream, my little mateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora