
3.9K 168 34

(Media: Beautiful Actress
Katherine McNamara
as My OC, Kayleah Narah)

sᴏɴɢ: ғᴀʏᴅᴇᴇ- ᴜɴʙʀᴇᴀᴋᴀʙʟᴇ.


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The airport in Jasper Nevada was un-naturally quiet, compared to San Diegos.

Kayleah looked around with unsure hazel eyes, to clutch her suitcase handle tightly in nerves. Exhaling, the pale girl walked across the building to the exit doors.

Pulling the suitcase over a random bump in the path with a grunt, Kayleah shielded her eyes with her free hand to block out the sunlight.

"Damn sun.", Kayleah grumbled out loud, "...so bright."

Kayleah wondered why her grandparents- well Parent. Would want to live in such a small town, where everyone new eachother.

Scowling, Kayleah walked along the bumpy footpath. Sand crunching under her sneakers, she debated if it was even a good idea to come here after all. Doubting her decision already.

Kayleah wasn't as close to her Grandpa like she was to her Grandma. Heart stinging at that thought, the orange haired girl walked faster. Feeling even more out of place.

The loud rev of an engine was heard. Kayleahs head snapped up in alert, but was too late to dodge. A red car sped past blowing dust and sand everywhere.

Coughing madly from the sand, before sneezing. The young girls eyes watered as she glared harshly at the red aston martin that sped off.

"asshole!", Kayleah yelled out, flipping the speeding vehicle her middle finger. Before storming off down the road faster, knowing she would have to clean her clothes from the dust.

"The typical egotisitical jerks also live here, of course they do. Even in a small town like this one.", Ranting away. The young adult started to regret her decision even further now.


Eyes raising up at the surprised call of her name, Kayleah looked about. Unsure whom it was.

A black haired lady in Nursing uniform walked towards her with a bright smile. A sandwich in her hand.

"Kayleah Narah?", The woman asked again with more certainty. "Is that really you?"

Tilting her head, Kayleah was unsure to quickly run or address the stranger, before realising the said stranger was heading in the same direction as her.

Sighing, she had no choice but to respond. "uh. Hello?".

The nurse lady paused, obviously realising Kayleah had no idea whom she was. For her to now ramble away "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry, you probably think I am crazy or something"

"a little.", Kayleah replied bluntly for the other lady to blush in embarassment.

"I-I'm June. June Darby!", June introduced herself, awkwardly smiling.

"oh!", Kayleahs eyes brightened at this. "holy crap. I didn't recognise you!", Kayleah exclaimed, in awe.

"obviously not.", June laughed at that, "I know its been a few years. You haven't been back since- well ages.", June smiled brightly.

Kayleah was grateful that June didn't bring up the time she had to stay here with her grandparents when she was 16, because of an argument about home-schooling she had with her parents.

She ended up winning that argument and staying in school. Thanks to Grandma for sticking up for her. She frowned at that, knowing Grandma was now gone.

"...Yeah. Like... 6?, years ago.", Kayleah forced a grin, "So...Hows Jack?"

"oh!, you know how a 16 year old is, but he is looking after himself at least...Well I hope he is", June sighed, before biting into her sandwich. It was obvious it was her lunch break.

Nodding Kayleah understood what that had truly meant, reading inbetween the lines.

Jack has obviously gotten into some trouble, what? no idea, but it was obvious June was worried about it.

"Do you want me to talk to him about it? You know how I was at 16.", Kayleah offered softly, trying to cheer up the wonderful lady in front of her.

June smiled softly. "I wish that would work, but I am afraid it would need to be a lot more than a talk to solve this situation."

Kayleah frowned at that. "It's not drugs is it?"

"what? Oh no. Thank god.", June told Kayleah with much relief. "-otherwise I would kick his ass, just like I did to you."

Kayleah groaned, rolling her eyes. "It was one time!", she lied.

"I don't care." June scolded the 22 year old, knowing Kayleah was lying

Kayleah groaned loudly again, but smiled at the same time when June started ranting at what drugs do to our bodies.

"I missed you.", Kayleah blurted out, making the nurse pause and smile brightly.

"I missed you too.", June replied, "come, I will drop you off at your grandpas. I dont want you getting heatstroke by walking there. Pale skin and Jaspers heat don't mix well."

Kayleah hesitated. "are you sure?, don't you have work?"

"trust me. I got plenty of time before my break is over, plus your Grandpas house is only 15 minutes away", June digged out her car keys from her purse.

Kayleah nodded at this and picked up her suitcase as June opened the back door and placed the said suitcase in there. "thank you so much."

"It's fine, really.", June hopped into the drivers side and Kayleah followed in prusuit.

The two chattered away, before Kayleah even realised they were at the front of her Grandpas house.

"thanks again.", Kayleah unbuckled her seatbelt and reached into the back to grab her suitcase. "I hope we can catch up sometime whilst I am here."

June grinned. "That sounds amazing. I would love to."

Smiling back, Kayleah started to exit the car for June to grab Kayleahs arm gently. Pausing, the young adult looked back confused.


"I am sorry, about...Emma.", Junes eyes were soft as she spoke. "If you need my help. You know where to go. You are always welcomed Kayleah."

Kayleah bit her lip as she gently grabbed the paper with a phone number written on it from Junes grasp. Secretly grateful that the nurse ignored her shaking hand at the same time.

"I'm sorry too.", with that, Kayleah closed the car door behind her. To watch June drive off.

Allowing herself a couple of seconds to regain her grounding. The wind drifted through her orange hair, making Kayleah sigh quietly and enjoy the peace.

Thats one thing to like about this place. The peace and quiet. No city sounds to disturb the area or buildings that block the breath-taking views.


Kayleahs eyes snapped back open in surprise. Not remembering when she had closed them, to turn around and smile at the elderly man before her.

"Grandpa Ross!, good to see you.", diving in for a hug. The pair wrapped their arms around one another.

"ah, my little one. How have you been?", Ross asked gently. "come in, come in."

"Very good!, how about you.", Kayleah followed through the open door.

Kayleah never realised another one closed behind her when she did.

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