Twenty Four: Flying to Ottawa

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Monique's POV

The pain behind my back has already lessened after quite a while, but it still hurts whenever I try to move too much. The person sleeping beside me is the one who gives me strength to carry on. Without her, I think I would've given up on trying to recover faster.

"Ellie~" I coo, stroking her sleeping face. Her face scrunches lightly when my finger brushes against her nose, making me giggle softly.

She stirs and then stretches, sending her arms straight up against the bed post. "Ouch!" She must've hit it too hard and woken her up immediately. "That hurts." She mumbles and rubs her knuckles gently.

"Let me see," I say and take her hand in mine. She seems to be a little surprised that I am beside her, "You slept over last night, remember?" I chuckle as I caress her knuckles. She nods and rubs her sleepy eyes after she pulls back her hand.

"Where's Violet?" She looks around the room. "Oh my, has she been sleeping there at the corner since last night?"

I watch Ellie as she jumps out of the bed, rushing towards my sleeping sister. She must have felt guilty for making Violet sleep on the floor.

"Carry her here." She nods. She tries not to have too much movement as she scoops Violet up gently.

"Damn, she's quite heavy." She huffs when she places Violet beside me.

"Hey, don't be so mean. She's just a baby." I laugh when Ellie gives me an unbelievable look. "Well, she is a baby but not as light as a baby then." She chuckles.

"Now, my baby." She says, walking over to my side. "I have already planned everything nicely. All you have to do is wait for me. You can trust me." She says earnestly and strokes my hair with her gentle hand.

I can only give her a light smile as I am uncertain of what is going to happen ahead. "I gotta go home now and pack up. Uncle Thomas will be helping you. Will you explain to Violet when she wakes up?" I nod and she holds my hand in hers. "I love you." She whispers into our hands and kisses my hand a few times before she stands up to leave.

"Ellie," I call out when she's about to shut the door.

"Yes?" She peers through the gap.

"Be safe." I flash her a genuine smile.

She nods and chuckles loud enough for me to hear, "I will. See you soon."

As much as I don't want her to leave, I have to bear it for a while before she returns to my side again.

Is running away an absurd act? But what will happen if we don't?

I can only stare at the ceiling as I have only very limited movements. My sister is still sleeping very soundly beside me and I can hear someone coming up the stairs. It can't be my mother as she's out for work early in the morning. Yes, she is that very competitive.

"Monique?" I hear uncle's voice, "Can I come in?"

"Yes." I say loudly.

The door slowly swings open and I see uncle holding onto a tray of breakfast. "Oh, Violet is still asleep. Is she that tired? It's already eleven am." He puts down the tray on the desk and walk over to the bed. "Violet sweety," he shakes her gently, trying to wake her up. I close my eyes for a moment to get rid of the tiredness in my eyes.

"Finally," uncle chuckles when Violet sits up. " Go and help Monique to wash up and have your breakfast too." Then he sits on the edge of the bed after Violet goes for a wash. "Monique, you know what's going to happen right?" He asks and looks at me intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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