Chapter 28: How Useless Am I?

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I found Ivan in the back yard working with Mac training the wolves. Everyone seemed to be there, even the kids. Was I the only one not training? How useless am I?

Focusing back on the issue before me, I yelled to Mac and Ivan. They both ran over watching my stomach as if an alien would pop out. I snapped my hand and they both looked at me in the eyes. "Grey just texted me. My parents are coming and they brought reinforcements. That's all he said. I didn't want to text him back and get him in trouble." Ivan gave me that far off look he got when the two were mind linking and they were both solving a problem. Usually it ended up with them mumbling to each other about who would go to the store an hour away at 2am to get me pickles and ice cream. This was a bit more difficult to figure out and they ended up mumbling to each other. Maybe they wanted me to listen in on the plan, but it was too quiet for me to hear. As soon as Ivan came up with a plan or at least looked like he had one, Olga came running over with Roman and asked what was going on.

I told them too since they were both excellent strategists according to Olga. She set up the schedule so the boys didn't have to argue with each other to decide who would get me food. I loved Olga and Roman and trusted their intelligence. .

Ivan focused on me again. "Go to cellar. You lock in with mama. Olga, kids too."  Olga didn't look happy with what Ivan said, but she didn't argue.

"Did you just tell me to lock myself and a bunch of frightened children in a room with a crazy vegetable woman?!" The plan sucked. They were terrible strategists.

"Go. Calm. Pups no stress." His English has not gotten better and I refused to learn Russian. Also, did he just say pups?

"Fine, but you and Mac better be okay when this is over. And no more losing body parts!" I yelled at Mac as he was running away with Ivan. He turned slightly and smirked at me before he was out of sight. They took the entire pack into the forest behind the back lawn. That electrified fence with barb wire went through it, but it made it easier to climb a tree and jump over it. No human could take the fall; the fence was at least 15 feet in the air. The fun things you learn when you live somewhere for a while and can't sleep because of gas. Pregnancy sucks.

Olga grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs with at least 30 kids running behind us. Normally they were all over the mansion running amok. It was strange seeing them following orders and being organized. When we made it to the cellars, I went into the room with the vegetable lady while Olga directed the kids into different cells. There were too many to fit into just one room. As I approached the bed to see what the woman who birthed my husband looked like, I noticed a huge gash across her abdomen. I heard a faint noise and looked up. She was facing me and whispering something. I leaned down and heard her loud and clear, "Run now. Run far. Trust no one." She peered at me through wide eyes and then looked to the door as we heard the handle turn.

In ran Mac. It was a bit concerning as he was supposed to be helping Ivan. I heard Olga screaming from another room and banging on what sounded like a door. Mac took out a notebook from his pocket and handed me a folded map with writing on it. He grabbed my hand while looking at the old woman. He nodded his head and she returned it with a smile. As he was pulling me out of the door, I glanced back at her face and she looked lifeless once again, staring at the ceiling. The only difference now was that her chest wasn't moving.

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