Chapter 20: Bacon

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I woke up the next morning in so much pain that I thought I might die. I had bruises everywhere and dry blood was caked in places it should never be found. Ivan was behind me sleeping soundly. I had sticky stuff all over me and smelled like a toilet and realized that Ivan has cum all over me and then peed on me. I was officially his property. I tried to shimmy my way out to go take a shower and all that earned me was a growl and a spank, a hard spank. I cried out and was rewarded with another and a mumbled, "Quiet."

                I stayed still on the bed until he woke up a couple of hours later. He was grumpy and kept growling and mumbling something in Russian. I did not even breathe. He if forgot I was here he might leave me alone. He stood up after a few mini stretches and walked slowly to the bathroom. His massive braid was disheveled and needed to be redone. I was not offering. As soon as he walked into the bathroom I grabbed some clothes and ran out of the room. The door was thankfully unlocked.

               I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere away from Ivan was fine with me. I smelled bacon and ran as fast as I could toward it. I managed to trip over one of the decorations in the hall. As soon as I looked up, there was Ivan with a towel around his hips and a glower on his face.

                "You run again. You no run. I stop you." He had a determined look in his eyes that did not comfort me.

                "I was hungry and smelled bacon. I was trying to get us some before you were done." Half-truths apparently did not register with his lie detector nose as long as I focused on the truth part.

                "I get food. You stay." He carried me back to the room while sniffing me and smiling. He tucked me into the bed and locked the door when he left the room. I just stayed there afraid he would cut my legs off and lock me in a cell.

                He came back a few minutes later with food. "I feed you. You mine. You stay."

                I stayed in bed. He fed me by hand again and gave me a water this time. He handed me some pills and I didn't even ask. I just downed them with the water. My body felt numb. I had no more pain. I liked those pills.

                Ivan had left the room at some point because I woke up alone and with less pain. There was a glass of water and more pills on the side of the bed. I got out of bed and walked to the door. It was unlocked. I guess he thought he would be back before I woke up. I didn't waste the opportunity. I walked to the kitchen where I smelled food cooking. I didn't want to tempt Ivan considering I had no idea where he was or if he was watching me.

                I went into the kitchen and everyone stilled and watched at me. I saw a few noses turn up to sniff me. I looked down and saw I was still in the clothes I grabbed earlier and covered in Ivan's bodily fluid. One little boy ran up to me and plugged his nose and said something in Russian. A tall woman ran to pick him up and left the kitchen. I didn't understand what the problem was. I smelled, but it's not like they were much better half the time. Olga glided in the room with grace I didn't know was possible I didn't see her legs move. She glanced at me and walked over.

                "Your scent has changed. You are carrying his pup. It was very faint yesterday. It still is. He knows. He will not let you out of his sight." She pointed to cameras on the ceiling as she was talking.

                This is not good. I cannot be pregnant. I'm 18 years old and married to a psychotic murderer. I just want a break from all of this. "I want to go home."

               "You home." Ivan walked in and everyone held their breath. He was in a stunning suit that looked form fitted on his tree trunk legs. He waltzed over to me and picked me up, giving me a hug and sniffing my hair. "You mine. You stay. You home."

                Olga and Ivan started a conversation that ended in Olga's mate pulling her out of the room as she shouted at Ivan. Ivan had a smirk on his face. I don't like Ivan's smirk, so I leaned back and slapped it off his face. There was a collective gasp from everyone in the room. Ivan squeezed me tighter until I had a hard time breathing.

                "My mate. Mine. My pup. Mine. You mine. You no hurt me. I no hurt you." He finished the statement while holding me in one arm to keep me still and rub my abdomen with the other hand. He was still lying. He had hurt me and will most likely do it again.

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