Chapter 13: Wal-mart. It's Not as Classy as Target

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I had the Uber driver drop me off at the nearest Wal-Mart. It's not as classy as Target; I can wear no bra and boxers and get away with it. I went in and bought all the essentials I would need for a backpacking trip and extra clothes for today. A few side-eyes were thrown my way. I Ubered my way to the airport and bought a ticket online to Seattle. I didn't have anything to try to get a passport with so I was stuck in the country, but going to the opposite end of America was a better prospect than waiting to be killed. I would miss North Carolina, just not the people in it. I got to the airport with 20 minutes to spare to get through the airport and security. I made it just in time to board the plane and get the hell out of this miserable state.

                I was trying to leave the Seattle airport via Uber when I heard a voice I thought I would never have to listen to again if I was lucky. "Where do you think you are going?" Daemon asked.


                "How did you get here so fast?"

                "I have a private jet. Did you really think I was going to let you leave especially now that you are married to Ivan. He is going back to his pack to be the Alpha. You are going with him." He looked livid. His voice was low and he was whisper shouting. I hate whisper shouting.

                "He has a mate in his pack. His sister already told me he will kill me and mate her. Werewolves can only have one mate, right? I am not dying so you can be selfish and he can get laid by someone else." I whisper shouted back. Take that asshole.

                "You mine. Only mate. You no trust?" Ivan looked downtrodden . Where the hell did he come from? He was too big to miss. How did he sneak up all the time on people?

                "Ivan! Where did you come from? You are supposed to be working today. By the way your shitty sister says hi." I couldn't hide my disbelief that he had appeared out of nowhere.

                "Mate leave. I feel mate leave. I leave too. Bring Daemon. Maybe mate mad, Daemon make mate happy." Grief with a peppering of hope layered his voice.

                "No Ivan. Daemon does not make me happy. Daemon makes everything worse. You made me happy, until I found out you had a mate back home and were potentially going to kill me to be with her. That's a huge knife to the gut and of course I ran away. When you are threatened with being killed by your husband, you run and hide." I tried explaining it to him, but he didn't seem to change his expression.

                "I made mate happy. You not happy. What wrong?"

                "Ivan, holy fuck balls. Daemon, please explain this to him and not in your backstabbing kind of way." I pleaded with Daemon and hoped he wouldn't be an ass about this too.

                They spoke for about five minutes and it just started to look like a brawl would break out with hands being thrown around and unfriendly gestures being tossed about like prizes. I looked around and most people were avoiding them. I would too if I could, lucky bastards.

                "Anna you will accompany Ivan back to Russia. You will live there from now on in his pack. I will handle everything with the school. You will transfer there. End of discussion." The professional tone was almost believable, but it was belied by his raging, purple face.

                "Who is going to run the company with you, Troll, and Mac going to college? Why do I have to leave? Why can't you just let me run away?" I started to slink away as I was talking. Ivan was not having it. He scooped me up against his expensive suit and let me pout on his shoulder. He is a true gentleman.

                "Do not argue with me Anna. Ivan is barely holding on right now. Your plane leaves in 30 minutes. Leave now." He whisper shouted. Ivan just held tighter and I could feel his claws poking me. He had a serious control problem. Having mated, he should be able to contain his reactions better according to Daemon.  I am going to figure out this out. Just call me Nancy Drew.

                "Fine. Asshole. Tell the stinky twins I'll miss them please. Let's go Ivan."

" You can put me down now."

"I won't run away. I promise."

"Ivan, people are watching us. Ivan, this needs to stop."

Ivan did not put me down. In fact he held me tighter and started sniffing my neck. This is getting absurd. His actions were not human and people were not oblivious to it. We walked away from Daemon who watched us heading toward our departing gate. I glanced back to see Daemon sauntering back in the direction they came from. Where was Ivan's private plane?

                We were sitting there in the waiting area for our flight when a flight attendant asked if I was alright. The response given quickest was Ivan's growl. She slowly backed up as I told her I was fine and Ivan was having a bad dream. With his head down and him breathing in my neck, it was believable. He appeared to be sleeping I had hoped. And, people believe anything you tell them when they are scared shitless. No one would sit near us and I didn't blame them. Ivan looked like he was a serial murderer, which he happened to be. The announcement was played over the intercom for us to boarding next and that we should line up. Ivan didn't move.

                "Ivan, we are supposed to go line up. Will you let me hold your hand and we can stand off to the side and then board the plane together?" I gave any alternative I could think of so he wouldn't carry me onto the plane. He rejected my offer with a shake of his head and a menacing growl aimed at a kid walking close to us. The kid ran crying. It was getting out of hand.

                "Ivan, why won't you let me down so I can hold your hand? It would be easier and more comfortable for me." That did the trick. He put me in the seat next to him and just pressed himself up against me and held my arm like I was going to make a run for it.

                "You run. No run. You mine. We mate." He looked distressed. I couldn't believe that leaving to potentially save my own life made him like this. He had another mate. I didn't understand.

                "You have another mate waiting. You could have mated her and been happy Ivan. Why me?" I genuinely didn't know the answer.

                "You mine. No another. Love you. Watch you six year. Ricky dead. I no know Ricky touch mate." I was dumbfounded. What does he mean he has been watching me for six years? He started to look very irate by the end of his short speech. "I kill anyone touch mate." Well that part wasn't needed. He looked frightening at that moment. He had to keep his head down because his eyes were glowing and he ended up just closing them. It seemed like everyone knew he was an enraged predator by the looks of fear and departing bodies from the crowd. He knew how to clear a room.

                "Ivan, I am going to ask you a very serious question. Do you know what happened to my parents?" The last statement had me wondering.

                "I kill anyone touch mate." And that was enough for me. Ivan is insane. I wondered if Daemon knew what happened. I asked Ivan to confirm my suspicions.

                "Daemon Alpha now. We mate now. Daemon say yes." Oh shit. So my brother knew about Ivan being responsible for killing my parents, let him mate me, and spewed all that garbage about our parents being good people? What was happening?

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