Chapter 9: I Eat Deer

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We all piled into the house and the party started back up. The alcohol was flowing and the people were dancing all over the place. One thing everyone failed to mention is that the other Alphas were invited by someone to this after party as well. What I didn't know is that as a mated couple, there should be proof of our mating which we didn't have because we weren't mated. The other Alphas continuously came up to us even after Ivan was half transformed and smothering me into his chest, asking to see the mating bite. I had no idea what it was, but Ivan was not inclined to show them.

"Beta, you have denied my request all night. Either you show me the bite or I will challenge you." This came from the same Alpha from earlier. He seemed a bit smitten with me or at least my ovaries. My babies would be cute.

"She mine." Ivan, the wizard of words, came up with such an eloquent speech again.

"Show me proof now." It seemed like it was going to get ugly fast. I wanted a nap. Screw these people.

"I don't have a bite yet because Ivan permitted my wishes to wait until after our human wedding. We were humoring all of you and were going to complete the mating tonight. If you would excuse us, I have a lovely mating to attend." I was so tired I could have dropped on the spot. Ivan picked me up and took me to his room. He stripped off my horrendous dress and sniffed his shirt. He smiled at me and put me gently on the bed. He stripped naked faster than I could comprehend what was happening. I tried to look away, but he was under the covers next to me before I had the chance. He spooned me again all night while dry humping me and murmuring, "my mate," every once in a while.

I woke up to the same situation as yesterday. What happened to my rules? It was Saturday and we had two more days after today of freedom. I wanted my freedom. I rubbed my backside against him and he grabbed my hips. His breathing sped up and he started sniffing my neck. He seemed to not like the smell since he huffed and moved away. Score one for me. I thought that would wake him up, but it got me out of the humanish arm shackles which was even better. I darted for the bathroom and finished before he was out of bed this time. I ran to the door of his room and surprise, surprise it was locked. I walked back over to him and noticed a giant tent in the bed sheet. I tried to maneuver around it to look for the key. I found the key in the drawer next to his bed. I ran back and unlocked it. I opened it just in time to be pulled back to the bed by two enormous arms. I almost made my escape. Almost.

Two hours later and he finally got his ass up and went to the bathroom. I took that as my chance to escape the room and find food. When I got downstairs, there were bodies all over the floors and furniture. It was a mini obstacle course to find a spot where I could walk and not maim someone. I made it to the kitchen, with minimal threats from half dead bodies, and made a huge breakfast. When everyone started to smell the bacon and pancakes it was like Night of the Living Dead in the kitchen. I had to move fast. I grabbed a plate and left the rest. I went to my room where Daemon and Lucy were snuggled up in my bed. I could see a massive bite mark on Lucy's neck from 3 feet away. I turned and walked out. That is not what I needed to see in the morning.

I traveled down the long hallway of my wing which had been deserted long ago by everyone. The nanny was the only one who slept on this side with me when she still worked here. I had an art room, music room, and my personal favorite, the game room, which were all on other floors. I would watch movies and play video games for hours to get away from real life. It seemed like that would have been a great idea to relax me.

I went to my game room and turned on COD4. I was having fun and killing everything in sight when someone crashed into a door breaking it. A loud roar could be heard down the hall after the crack. I didn't want to get up because I was sure I would just get yelled at so I stayed where I was playing my game. About a minute later someone came through the door to the game room growling. I assumed it was my brother as he tended to not give a crap about my stuff. Nope, it was Ivan. I know this because he ran up to me, sniffed me, and pulled me into a hug. I could feel how happy he was to see me.

"Did you break a door and roar a few minutes ago?"

"You ran. I find you. You mine." The succinct way he speaks to me is actually starting to grow on me. He is blunt and it is kind of refreshing.

"I didn't run. I walked briskly away. I made breakfast. Did you get any?"

"I eat deer. I hunt past night." Well that's disgusting. Glad he shared that information.

"Well, what would you like to do today?" I was trying to be friendly. I felt like this would go faster and smoother if we didn't hate each other.

"I want mate." Okay maybe it was not going to go smoothly.

"Alright, who is your mate? Maybe we can find her in the house or are you just looking for sex? I know a few girls that are good at that." It was going to take effort not to stab someone for interrupting my game time to get nookie.

"You mine."

"Yes, we have established that you are now my 'owner'. What I am asking is who is your mate?" I asked this as Daemon and Lucy walk in.

"He means he wants to mate with you. He has been informed that he is not able to. He will have to find another." Daemon was glaring at Ivan as he said all of this.

Lucy turned to him and asked him why. At least I was not the only clueless one.

"He is a Beta now, not an Alpha. A mating with her to an Alpha could bring an alliance and make powerful offspring. Ivan is not allowed to touch her more than he has and he knows it. This is for him to stay here and our partnership with his birth pack to remain intact." Daemon, the smooth talker and overall friendly kind of guy, just crushed this poor boys heart. Ivan looked very distraught and angry.

"Okay so let me get this straight, you married me to Ivan when you could have had anyone else in the pack marry him to keep his green card and you still want to pimp me out to some random Alpha for breeding, correct?" Beyond livid, I was trying to remain calm to not agitate Ivan more.

"I had to have you spoken for before other Alphas tried to challenge me for you. I have a lot on my plate and needed you occupied." Wow. That was absolute brotherly love right there.

Shortly after that fun conversation abruptly ended with my brother's undying declaration to himself, everyone left. The house was a trash bin and I was not cleaning it. Ivan said he would help, but at that point I just wanted to burn it down.

I made us lunch and we just sat on the couch watching movies. We had the same taste in films and games at least. After lunch and a few movies, we went back to the game room and played for a few hours. Later that evening he got a call and said he had to go out for a few hours. Once he left, I took a shower and went to sleep in my own clothes. It was a relief to not have that same old nasty shirt on.

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