Chapter 16: YOU STAY!

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The homecoming seemed to get a little more lively and cheerier as we walked into the prison. Ivan's sister was on my other side speaking softly to Ivan in Russian. I was invisible it seemed. Ivan snapped at her and she stopped speaking.

                We walked into a crowded room of people with couches everywhere and artwork that looked like it belonged in an old graphic novel about zombies and werewolves. It was gothic, but creepier.

                "Olga watch you. You no run." So he was dropping me in a room full of people with some random person named Olga as a babysitter. This could go very wrong.

                "Who is Olga?" The smirk I got from the witch next to me as she moved to stand next to her brother was answer enough. Yep, this just got worse.

                "Why her? Is Charles Manson available? He is a better option than her." Sounding like a whiny child I stomped my foot just to make sure that my annoyance got across.

                "Olga safe. No hurt you. I back next day." He said with a soothing tone as if I was a child throwing a temper tantrum for no reason. This woman threatened to have me killed.

                "Tomorrow. The word is tomorrow. You need to work on your English. I am not learning Russian because I will not be here long enough to care. Olga can go sit on a pineapple." I turned around to see a sea of faces full of fear and worry.

                "YOU STAY! My mate. Mine. You run, I chase. You MINE. Olga teach you Russian. You learn. You stay. You mine." He started off with a roar and became a docile kitten at the end. Ivan may be bipolar.

                Turning back while he was on his rant I looked him in the face and told him exactly how I feel. "You are insane. I am not staying here with someone who threatened to have me killed. You just tore out two people's hearts and you expect me to think I am safe here with these monsters? I am leaving the first chance I get. You won't find me and you can't keep me here." Ivan's face went from hurt to angry to scary all within the span of my little proclamation.

                "Olga stay. You stay. You no leave. You try, I stop you." Well that was intimidating. I lowered my head in acquiesce. I am not going to argue any longer in front of a bunch of killers. 

                Ivan turned around and walked out of the house with a group of men behind him. I watched his retreating back and when he was out of sight, looked at Olga. Her smirk turned to one of worry.

                "Don't look at me like that. You don't care about me. He doesn't care about me. Can I please just go to my room?" I begged her as nicely as I could.

                "Hewill stop you. I need to show you something. I didn't realize it was this bad."The ominous tone she had was not something I ever wanted to hear.

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