Chapter 15: I Want Freedom

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I was woken up by a violent shake and my name being yelled near my face. Not a good morning. Ivan was staring at me with an excited smile on his face. "We here."

                Great. The start to my life in a foreign country. I said I wanted to travel, but not like this. I want freedom, not an overgrown, mangy mutt stuck to me. He was growing on me though, like fungus.  

                "I get bag. Follow you." I was correct earlier that his plan consisted of close contact and prayers for blindness. I scooted over him to get to the aisle seat and stood up as he did. He reached above me and grabbed my travel bag I bought at Wal-Mart. I had pants in that bag! I grabbed it from him quickly and rushed off the plane holding my bag behind me. Ivan was not pleased as he said, "stop!" That was not going to happen. I ran to the nearest restroom as Ivan was grabbing his carryon and running after me.

                I have never felt so relieved to change pants. I walked out of the restroom to see Ivan staring at me in a ferocious way, like he would eat me and not in the good way.

"I had to change pants. I can't walk through an airport with a giant hole in the ass of my pants." I pleaded my case for running away from him again. He didn't seem to care. He grabbed my arm and my bag. So he was not above blackmail. He knew I wouldn't leave without my bag. I had my money in there and my phone.

                "You run. Again. You no run. I make sure." What happened to all the "my love" and "my mate" crap he was spewing earlier? He has turned into warden. Nothing has changed.

                "And how are you going to do that?" I was snippy. I didn't care. He was being unreasonable.

                "Security." That explained nothing. He pulled me through the airport to customs where the guy motioned us up together. He took one look at Ivan, stamped our passports, and waved us on. Maybe it is nice being with the Hulk.

                We stepped up to the baggage carousel and he grabbed a huge suitcase. I had not seen it earlier and didn't even know he had it. When did that come? I bet it was my passed from planes when they arrived with my brother.

                "So your sister wants me dead. Is she here too? Did she hop a private jet and come straight here to ambush me?" He hauled his suitcase and my bag on one arm and me in the other. As we exited the airport, a black sedan pulled up to the curb. What happened to taking taxis and Ubers?

                "In." He motioned toward the car as he spoke. I crawled into the opened door courtesy of Ivan. I checked the opposite door just in case. Locked. Dang child lock. I waited as a man around the size of Daemon opened the trunk and put Ivan's suitcase and my backpack in it. Ivan slipped in next to me and grabbed my hand. Mini Hulk got into the driver's seat and passed back a pair of handcuffs. Ivan grabbed them before I could start to reach and snapped on link on me and the other on him.   

                "Security." Not what I thought he meant. This is going to put my escape plans on hold and pretty much any bathroom plans as well.

                I was silent the entire was since Ivan was busy talking to Mini Hulk in Russian. After what seemed like six hours we arrived at a house. House would be the wrong word. When you have a private guard booth and electrified fence it turns a mansion into a prison. This was where we were going? To another jail? At least mine didn't have massive dogs prowling around and an electrified fence. Man those dogs were the size of  Volkswagen Buses. Their teeth were huge and had glowing eyes. Oh never mind, they were werewolves. That explained why some were on only two feet. We stepped out of the car and I saw Mini Hulk and my bag drive off without me. There goes my hope of safety. I looked at the dogs again and shivered.

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